The Earth -- Introduction

Class Notes - Earthquakes

Behavior of Earth Materials

Seismic Waves

From equations (a) and (b) we can formulate some important generalizations about these earthquake waves.

  1. Note that Density appears in the denominator of both (1) and (2). If the numerators of these expressions are held constant, we would predict that the velocities of both waves would decrease with increasing depth of penetration since we know that pressure and density increase with increasing depth. However, observations show that both waves speed up with increasing depth. Therefore, the numerators must be increasing at a greater rate than density; rocks get stronger with increasing depth of burial. The comments above assume that both waves are traveling in the same material.

  2. The velocity of a P wave is greater than that of an S wave as the numerator of (1) is larger than the numerator of (2).

  3. If a wave passes from one material to another, the wave may speed up, slow down or not change its velocity, depending on the contrast in properties of the two types of material.

  4. As a special case, consider a liquid. In general, liquids offer no resistance to changes in shape so that G = 0. Therefore, a liquid will not support the transmission (propagation) of an S wave and a P wave will slow down in a liquid.

  5. When P and S waves encounter the surface of the Earth new waves are created. These surface waves are responsible for much of the damage associated with an earthquake. The motion of these surface waves is quite complicated. Watch the motion associated with the propagation of a Rayleigh wave

  6. The arrival of a P wave is recorded prior to the arrival of an S wave as the P wave has a higher velocity than that of the S wave that traveled along the same path. The further the recording station is from the epicenter (the location on the surface of the Earth that is closest to the focus), the longer the time between the arrival of the P wave and the arrival of the S wave.

  • In the animation above you are watching a seismograph located an unknown distance from the epicenter of an earthquake. In the absence of the arrival of earthquake vibrations - Noise - reach the recording station. These could be due to traffic, the wind, or other natural or man-made sources of vibrations. Time is being recorded on the X-axis (horizontal) of the plot shown in the animation and the displacement of the seismograph recording is recorded on the Y-axis (vertical). Note that the P wave is recorded first. At a later time the first S wave is recorded and at a still later time the surface waves begin arriving at the recording station. The further away the station is from the epicenter, the greater the difference in arrival times between the P and S waves.

    • Two cars leave Houston at 8:00 AM. Car A drives to San Antonio at 60 miles per hour. Car B takes the same road but drives at 30 miles per hour. Which car will get to San Antonio (180 miles away) first?


    • What is the difference in arrival time at San Antonio?

      3 hours
      6 hours

    • Each car continues driving with out a stop to El Paso (about 800 miles from Houston). Will the difference in arrival time be smaller, the same, or greater than it was at San Antonio?

      the same

    Virtual Earthquake is an interactive computer program designed to introduce you to the concepts of how an earthquake epicenter is located and how the Richter magnitude of an earthquake is determined.

    Thought Questions

      If you put a cube of rock in a fish bowl will the rock change shape? Therefore, S for solids is a big number. (Remember, however, that some rocks will flow at high pressures and temperatures). If you take milk which is in a rectangular container and pour it into the fish bowl will the milk offer resistance to a change in shape? Therefore, G for a liquid is 0.0.

      Effect of Boundaries

        When a wave path crosses a boundary some of the energy is reflected from the boundary back towards the Earth's surface and some crosses the boundary - refracted. Energy that is reflected gives rise to both a new P and a new S wave. Similarly, energy that is refracted produces both a new P and a new S wave.

        When a P wave crosses a boundary from a liquid to a solid it produces a new P wave and a new S wave which travel through the solid. This is what happens at the outer core-inner core boundary. The velocity may increase or decrease of stay the same depending on the contrast in properties. Seismologists have learned that what happens during reflection and refraction is quite complicated and we will ignore these complexities for the time being.

        When a P wave crosses the Moho (from gabbro to an ultramafic rock) its velocity increases from about 5 km/sec to 7 km/sec. This is a pronounced speeding up which makes the Moho a strong seismic boundary.

      Propagation of Seismic Waves

        In this animation an earthquake occurs in Bolivia. P and S waves are generated at the focus. Watch the migration of the P waves (first red) and S waves (blue). Note that the further the waves propagate, the greater the distance between the P and S waves.

        In this animation both reflected and refracted waves are traced through the Earth. Do not focus on the details but on the complex of waves that result from the single event.

      Earthquake Magnitude

        Newspapers and other media usually report the "Richter" Magnitude. of an earthquake but rarely define the term. This link will give you more than you probably ever wanted to know about Mr. Richter and his scale.


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      Copyright by John C. Butler, July 29, 1995
