Fill-In-The Blanks for Chapter 15

Position the cursor on the small box, click, type in your answer and push return. If you are correct, the answer is given in green. If you are wrong, the correct answer is given for you in red.

  1. Precession describes the _________ of the Earth's axis of rotation . .

  2. The degree of ellipticity of the Earth's orbit around the sun is the ___________ .. .

  3. There were _______ periods of ice advance in North America during the Pleistocene. . .

  4. __________ deduced that large continental glaciers once covered much of the Earth's land surface. .

  5. Long, narrow, winding ridges of sand and gravel found in the middle of ground moraines are called ___________.

  6. When two lateral moraines merge a _________ moraine forms. .

  7. A horn is surrounded by ________ .

  8. Large boulders deposited randomly by glaciers are _________ . .

  9. Low confining pressure at the surface causes cracks called ________ to form. .

  10. Large masses of ice on land that show evidence of movement are called _________ . .
