Internet and World Wide Web Resources

There are many resources available on the World Wide Web that go into more depth on the topics we cover. Visit the following sites for additional information on each chapter's topics.


  • The links provided below all worked at the time of the main text's publication. Since the internet is constantly evolving some of the domains and/or pages we are supplying links to may have moved, changed or expired since the book's publication date.
  • There are no Web Resource links for chapters 2, 13, 15, 18 and appendices A-F. Only Appendix G has Web Resource links.

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Computers and the Internet
Please check this site for updates, corrections and additional resources for all Deitel & Associates, Inc., publications.
The Internet for Beginners guide provides valuable resources for further exploration of the history and workings of the Internet and the World Wide Web.
Learn the Net is a Web site containing a complete overview of the Internet, the World Wide Web and the underlying technologies. The site contains much information appropriate for novices.
The World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) Web site offers a comprehensive description of Web technologies. For each Internet technology with which the W3C is involved, the site provides a description of the technology, its benefits to Web designers, the history of the technology and the future goals of the W3C in developing the technology.
This University of Kansas Web site gives a comprehensive overview of the Internet and the World Wide Web, with an interactive slide presentation of each topic covered.
This site introduces novices to the Internet and the World Wide Web, targeting users who will be surfing the Web in a classroom setting.
The U.S. Department of Education's Consumer Guide provides a clear, concise tutorial on the structure, content and compatibilities of the Internet and the Web.

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Chapter 2 – Microsoft Internet Explorer 6

There are no Web Resource links for this chapter.

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Chapter 3 – Adobe Photoshop Elements: Creating Web Graphics

Many resources are available on the topic of using Photoshop Elements to create images for Web pages. A good resource is the interactive help file packaged with Photoshop Elements. This help file covers almost every function Photoshop Elements has to offer. The interactive help file is accessed by clicking the question mark button on the main menu bar. Also check out (Adobe Inc.'s home page) to stay up-to-date on general information about Photoshop Elements. Most of the information on the Web, however, is available at user-run sites offering general information, examples and tutorials. For example, has excellent in-depth tutorials, for both Photoshop beginners and experts who want to explore new techniques. Another site for tutorials is located at Many Photoshop tutorials were written for versions of Photoshop other than Elements, but many of the main concepts carry over to the Elements version. If looking for effects more diverse than those included in Photoshop Elements, new filters can be downloaded for free from sites such as Plug-in filters, brushes and fonts are installed to the hard drive of the computer under the Photoshop Elements directory.

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Chapter 4 – Introduction to XHTML: Part 1
The XHTML 1.1 Recommendation contains XHTML 1.1 general information, compatibility issues, document type definition information, definitions, terminology and much more. provides XHTML development news and links to other XHTML resources, including books and articles.
The XHTML School provides XHTML quizzes and references. This page also contains links to XHTML syntax, validation and document type definitions.
This is the W3C XHTML validation service site.
This site provides an article about XHTML. Key sections of the article overview XHTML and discuss tags, attributes and anchors.
The Web Developers Virtual Library provides an introduction to XHTML. This site also contains articles, examples and links to other technologies.
The XHTML 1.1 DTD documentation site provides technical specifications of XHTML 1.1 syntax.

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Chapter 5 – Introduction to XHTML: Part 2
The Web site contains a tutorial on creating XHTML tables.
This Web page contains a list of frequently used XHTML tags, such as header tags, table tags, frame tags and form tags. It also provides a description of each tag.

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Chapter 6 – Cascading Style Sheets™ (CSS)
The W3C Cascading Style Sheets, Level 3 specification contains a list of all the CSS properties. The specification also provides helpful examples detailing the use of many of the properties.
This site has several charts of CSS properties, including a list stating which browsers support what attributes and to what extent.
This site contains articles dealing with CSS.

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Chapter 7 – JavaScript: Introduction to Scripting

There are a tremendous number of resources for JavaScript programmers on the Web. This section lists a variety of JavaScript, JScript and ECMAScript resources available and provides a brief description of each. Additional resources for these topics are presented in the subsequent chapters on JavaScript and in other chapters as necessary.
This site is the home of the ECMAScript standard that underlies both JavaScript and JScript.
The Microsoft Windows Script Technologies page includes an overview of JScript, complete with tutorials, FAQs, demos, tools for downloading and newsgroups. is an excellent source for tutorials that focus on teaching with detailed explanations and examples. This site is particularly useful for nonprogrammers.
Website Abstraction is devoted to JavaScript and provides specialized tutorials and many free scripts. This site is good for beginners, as well as people with prior experience who are looking for help in a specific area of JavaScript. provides tutorials, tools, and links to many free scripts.

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Chapter 8 – JavaScript: Control Statements I

There are a tremendous number of resources for JavaScript programmers on the Web. This section lists a few JavaScript and ECMAScript resources available and provides a brief description of each. Additional resources for these topics are presented at the end of other JavaScript chapters as necessary.
The JavaScript Mall provides free scripts, FAQs, tools for Web pages and a JavaScript tutorial.
This JavaScript Reference provides JavaScript documentation, FAQs, recommended books, newsgroups and much more.
The JavaScript Language Resources page contains technical documentation of the ECMAScript standard, on which JavaScript is based.

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Chapter 9 – JavaScript: Control Statements II
The W3Schools Web site offers several JavaScript tutorials based on W3C standards, including this tutorial on looping with the for, while and do…while control structures.
The DevGuru JavaScript Quick Reference offers a comprehensive guide to JavaScript/JScript/ECMAScript and includes additional examples of the control structures and other language features presented in this book.

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Chapter 10 – JavaScript: Functions
JavaScript - Intro by Voodoo teaches how to program in JavaScript.
This site provides a tutorial on JavaScript functions.
This URL provides an introduction to JavaScript functions.

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Chapter 11 – JavaScript: Arrays
This site discusses JavaScript arrays.
Thau's JavaScript Tutorial introduces JavaScript arrays.

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Chapter 12 – JavaScript: Objects provides JavaScript tips and articles.
This page provides a tutorial on JavaScript objects.
This site provides a variety of JavaScript examples.
This site provides JavaScript examples, links, tutorials and tools.
Netscape's JavaScript Central site contains links to several JavaScript references providing detailed information on JavaScript's built-in objects and other language features.

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Chapter 13 – Dynamic HTML: Object Model and Collections

There are no Web Resource links for this chapter.

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Chapter 14 – Dynamic HTML: Event Model
Microsoft's DHTML Events site provides a comprehensive reference on events in Dynamic HTML.
This JavaScript Kit tutorial introduces event handling in the DOM (Document Object Model), as supported by both Internet Explorer 5+ and Netscape 6+.

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Chapter 15 – Dynamic HTML: Filters and Transitions

There are no Web Resource links for this chapter.

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Chapter 16 – Dynamic HTML: Data Binding with Tabular Data Control
The Microsoft Data Access Technologies Web site provides information about Microsoft database access strategies and data source objects.
This article presents an overview of data-binding capabilities in Dynamic HTML.

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Chapter 17 – Macromedia Flash™: Building Interactive Animations
Macromedia specializes in tools for creating multimedia-rich Web sites. Free 30-day trial versions of its multimedia authoring tools are available at this site.
Macromedia's Flash site contains detailed product information, product support, tutorials, sample files and a showcase of professional Web sites built with Flash. The most recent version of the Flash 30-day trial software is available at this site.
An online community that offers Flash tutorials for all levels. The community also provides free sounds, fonts and open source code for Flash developers. Its forums provide open discussions about Flash topics between developers.
Geared to Flash developers and enthusiasts. It has several forums covering various Flash topics.
Provides helpful information on ActionScript and links to other ActionScript resources. It also offers professional Flash production tips and sample .fla files which may be downloaded for learning purposes.
Provides discussion about SWF tools and open source SWF creation links to SWF resources.
WebMonkey offers information on many facets of Web design and development, including Flash and Shockwave.
The Shockwave Web site contains a variety of Web-based games, cartoons and music. The site was created with Macromedia authoring tools, including Flash.

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Chapter 18 – Macromedia Flash™ Case Study: Building an Interactive Game

There are no Web Resource links for this chapter.

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Chapter 19 – Macromedia Dreamweaver MX 2004
Macromedia's Dreamweaver Developer Center contains numerous tutorials and sample files intended for beginner, intermediate and expert users. This site explores some of the more advanced features of Dreamweaver in addition to the topics covered in this chapter.
This site contains detailed product information, software downloads and links to featured sites created with Dreamweaver MX 2004.

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Chapter 20 – Extensible Markup Language (XML)
The W3C (World Wide Web Consortium) works to develop common protocols to ensure interoperability on the Web. Their XML page includes information about upcoming events, publications, software and discussion groups. Visit this site to read about the latest developments in XML. is a reference for XML, DTDs, schemas and namespaces.
Provides information on XSL, including what is new in XSL, learning XSL, XSL-enabled tools, XSL specification, FAQs, XSL history and more.
W3C technical reports and publications page. Contains links to working drafts, proposed recommendations, recommendations and more.
The Apache XML Web site provides many resources related to XML, including tools and downloads.
Contains a list of recommended XML books by Charles Goldfarb, one of the original designers of GML (General Markup Language), from which SGML was derived.
The site contains links for downloading XML-related software. Downloads include XML browsers, conversion tools, database systems, DTD editors, XML editors and more.
The Development Exchange XML Zone is a complete resource for XML information. It includes FAQ, news, articles, links to other XML sites and newsgroups.
The Web Developer's Virtual Library XML