General Information:
Dr. Jerry Wellington
Office: 321B SR2
Phone: 743 - 2649
Office Hours: Th 10:00-11:00, or by Appointment
Lecture: 116 PGH, 8:30-10:00 T, Th
TEXT ECOLOGY: The experimental analysis of distribution and abundance, Krebs, 4th edition
Course Prerequisite: Biology 3401, Genetics
Course Content:  This is an introductory course in ecology. Lectures will review basic concepts in modern ecology and will be illustrated with examples from the literature. Coverage will span contemporary problems in both population and community ecology, and an emphasis will be placed on the evolutionary explanation for patterns of species distribution and abundance. The laboratory is designed to illustrate the application of ecological principles through field and laboratory experiments. Methods of data collection will emphasize quantification, and data analyses will be conducted with appropriate statistical tests. Use of the computer is an integral component of the laboratory. 
Course meeting time:
Lecture: Tu, Th 8:30-10:00, 116-PGH
Laboratory: 9:00-12:00am F, 9:00-12:00am W, 2:00-5:00pm W, 2:30-5:30pm T, 2:30-5:30pm M, 2:30-5:30pm Th 113-S
Course Grading: 
Two midterms each worth 100 points-- 200 pts
Final--200 pts
Laboratory-- 200 pts
Total for course--600 pts
Lab Grading:
Quizzes-- 35 pts (5 points each)
Homework-- 60 pts (10 points each)
Write-ups-- 80 pts (40 points each)
Participation-- 25 pts
Total-- 200 pts
Lecture exams will be objective, most multiply choice but may also include several short written answers. The final exam will cover about 40% from the previous exams and 60% on lecture material covered after the second midterm exam. THERE WILL BE NO MAKE-UP EXAMS. 
Laboratory grading will be based on exams, quizzes and write-ups. Final course grade will be based on the total number of points out of a possible 600 (as noted above). 
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