TNA SP12/1, 4

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TNA SP 12/1, 4 f.7

(Transcribed by Robert J Mueller)

In Throckmorton’s hand

1558 Nov 18 – Sir Nicholas Throckmorton to Queen Elizabeth   It may please your ma[jes]tie to understand I have gave your co[m]myssyon th[a]t you gave me to my L[ord] off Norfolke my lord off Bedford & to the L[ord] Cobham, and not fyndynge the lord admyrall here have gave the lyke to Syr Wylliam Woodhows for steyeing the passagis, and as the lord cobham gavythe present order to make a stey & searche on kents shore beyonde gravesand, so yt may please your ma[jes]tie that your letters to lyke porpose may be dyrectyd to Edward bery \esquire/ & Jhon pope balyffe off lees for essex shore.  Theyre was nothynge done at the Tower at the dyspatche hereoff for lakke off your ma[jes]ties warant wyche were amongste other thyngs expedyant to be hastenyd.   In the lokynge to Iermyne Siolles I have ussyd the ayde off peter osborne & Jhon Eliott both wyche be dylygent & redy to serve your ma[jes]tie faythefully, I have wrytyne my opynyon to syr wylliam cycill concernynge a mete order (suche as was at the entre off Kynge Edward & the late quene) yn the cytie off london, Wherby the sayd Germyn may be the better lokyd vnto.  Vppon advertysment off the cardynalles deathe I repayryd to the duke off Norfolke & the ayrle off Bedford that they togetther & w[i]th the l[ord] marques off North[ampton] advyse myght take order to looke to the cardynalles howse & goodds ynasmoche as before your ma[jes]ties pleasure syngnyfyed for that matter moche myght be embesylyd & also bycawse your ma[jes]tie hathe not yet appoyntyd your cowncell here to geve order yn all eventes, Theyre lordshyppes procedyngs yn thys behallffe they mynd after order takyne tadvertyse your ma[jes]tie.   It may please your ma[jes]tie to stey your resolution for dyspocy[n]ge the offycis off the costome howse for a tyme, and yn lyke maner the offyce off hettmaster yn the mynt Whearyn bycawe I had charge yn kynge Edwards tyme yt may be th[a]t I can enforme your ma[jes]tie off so[m]me necessarie poyntes.  It may please your ma[jes]tie to have a gracious consyderation off my sute for my cosyne harry mydylmore to be on off the gromes off [fol. 7v] your pryvie chamber, Almyghtie God preserve your ma[jes]tie prosperably to rayne longe over vs.  Frome london the xviijth of Novembre 1558.

your ma[jes]ties most humble faythfull & obedyent servant

N. Throkmorto[n]   Endorsed (fol. 7v): “1558/ S[i]r Nich[olas] throm[or]to[n]/ 18 Nov[ember]”