Difference between revisions of "STAC Tr names"

From Waalt
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The name used is the surname of the first plaintiff,
The name used is the surname of the first plaintiff.
''' TRA '''
''' Tra ''' - [[STAC Tracy]] - [[STAC Trafford]] - [[STAC Travaunce]] - [[STAC Travers]] - [[STAC Travis]]
*[[STAC Tracy]] - - [[STAC Trafford]] - - [[STAC Travers]] - - [[STAC Travis]]
''' TRE '''
''' Tred ''' - [[STAC Tredeneck]] - [[STAC Tredrey]] - [[STAC Treen]]  
*''' Tred ''' - [[STAC Tredeneck]] - - [[STAC Tredrey]] - - [[STAC Treen]] - ''' Tref ''' - [[STAC Trefusis]] - ''' Treg ''' - [[STAC Tregion]] - - [[STAC Tregodick]] - - [[STAC Tregonwell]] - - [[STAC Tregose]] - - [[STAC Tregowith]] - ''' Treh ''' - [[STAC Treherne]] - ''' Trel ''' - [[STAC Trelawney]] - - [[STAC Trellever]] - - [[STAC Trelodivas]] - - [[STAC Trelodrowe]] - - [[STAC Treloths]] - ''' Trem ''' - [[STAC Tremayne]] - ''' Tren ''' -[[STAC Trenance]] - - [[STAC Trenchard]] - - [[STAC Trentham]] - ''' Tres ''' - [[STAC Tresare]] - - [[STAC Tresham]] - - [[STAC Tressay]] - - [[STAC Treswell]] - - [[STAC Tresythin]] - ''' Trev ''' - [[STAC Trevanion]] - - [[STAC Trevelyan]] - - [[STAC Trevethan]] - - [[STAC Trevirgey]] - - [[STAC Trevisse]] - - [[STAC Trevithick]] - - [[STAC Trevor]] - ''' Trew ''' - [[STAC Trewartha]] - - [[STAC Trewe]] - - [[STAC Trewola]] - - [[STAC Trewynnard]]
''' TRI and TRY '''  
''' Tref ''' - [[STAC Treffy]] - [[STAC Trefusis]]  
*[[STAC Trice]] - - [[STAC Trickett]] - - [[STAC Trimlett]] - - [[STAC Trimnell]] - - [[STAC Trindle]] - - [[STAC Trise]] - - [[STAC Tristeyne]] - - [[STAC Tristram]] - - [[STAC Trivett]] - - [[STAC Try]] - - [[STAC Tryon]]
''' TRO '''  
''' Treg ''' - [[STAC Tregion]] - [[STAC Tregodick]] - [[STAC Tregonwell]] - [[STAC Tregose]] - [[STAC Tregowith]]  
*[[STAC Trollop]] - - [[STAC Trotman]] - - [[STAC Trotter]] - - [[STAC Troughton]] - - [[STAC Trounce]] - - [[STAC Troutbeck]]
''' TRU '''  
''' Treh ''' - [[STAC Treherne]]
*[[STAC Truebody]] - - [[STAC Truelock]] - - [[STAC Trueman]] - - [[STAC Truslowe]] - - [[STAC Truxton]]
''' Trel ''' - [[STAC Trelawney]] - [[STAC Trellever]] - [[STAC Trelodivas]] - [[STAC Trelodrowe]] - [[STAC Treloths]] 
''' Trem ''' - [[STAC Tremayne]] 
''' Tren ''' - [[STAC Trenance]] - [[STAC Trenchard]] - [[STAC Trensett]] - [[STAC Trentham]]
''' Tres ''' - [[STAC Tresare]] - [[STAC Tresham]] - [[STAC Tressay]] - [[STAC Treswell]] - [[STAC Tresythin]]
''' Trev ''' - [[STAC Trevanion]] - [[STAC Trevelyan]] - [[STAC Trevethan]] - [[STAC Trevirgey]] - [[STAC Trevisse]] - [[STAC Trevithick]] - [[STAC Trevor]]
''' Trew ''' - [[STAC Trewartha]] - [[STAC Trewe]] - [[STAC Trewcke]] - [[STAC Trewola]] - [[STAC Trewynnard]]
''' Tri ''' see also ''' Try '''
''' Tri '''  - [[STAC Trice]] - [[STAC Trickett]] - [[STAC Trimlett]] - [[STAC Trimnell]] - [[STAC Trindle]] - [[STAC Trise]] - [[STAC Tristeyne]] - [[STAC Tristram]] - [[STAC Trivett]]
''' Tro '''  - [[STAC Trollop]] - [[STAC Trotman]] - [[STAC Trotter]] - [[STAC Troughton]] - [[STAC Troutbeck]]
''' Tru '''  - [[STAC Truebody]] - [[STAC Truelock]] - [[STAC Trueman]] - [[STAC Truscott]] - [[STAC Truslowe]] - [[STAC Truxton]]
''' Try ''' see also ''' Tri '''
''' Try '''  - [[STAC Try]] - [[STAC Tryon]]

Revision as of 22:38, 10 June 2019