STAC Gr names

From Waalt
Revision as of 16:40, 12 August 2012 by Hgood (talk | contribs)

These are very roughly grouped, but it is a start.

The name used is the surname of the first plaintiff, Welsh style names are (for the present) grouped together under the initial letter used in the TNA catalogue - STAC Welsh names G


Grac - STAC Grace - - STAC Graciage - Graf - STAC Grafton - Gram - STAC Gramland - Gran - STAC Grandorge - - STAC Grange - - STAC Granger - - STAC Gransden - - STAC Grantham - - STAC Grantland - Gras - STAC Grasebrook - - STAC Gratwick - Grau - STAC Graunt - Grav - STAC Graveley - - STAC Graves - - STAC Gravigh


Greb - STAC Grebar - - STAC Grebby - Green - STAC Green - - STAC Greenbury - - STAC Greenfield - - STAC Greenhall - - STAC Greenland - - STAC Greenman - - STAC Greenough - - STAC Greenway - - STAC Greenwell - - STAC Greenwood - Greg - STAC Gregory - - STAC Gregson - Grem - STAC Greme - Gren - STAC Grenling - - STAC Grenham - - STAC Grenville - Gres - STAC Gresby - - STAC Gresham - - STAC Greves - - STAC Greville - Grew - STAC Grew - - STAC Grewte - - Grey - STAC Grey - - STAC Greygoose - - STAC Greyshot


Gric - STAC Grice - - Grif - STAC Griffin - - STAC Griffith - Grig - STAC Grigby - Gril - STAC Grills - Grim - STAC Grime - - STAC Grimsby - - STAC Grimsditch - - STAC Grimston - - STAC Grimwood - Grin - STAC Grinder - - STAC Grindon - - STAC Grinslade - Grip - STAC Grip - Gris - STAC Gris


Grob - STAC Grober - - STAC Grobham - Grc - STAC Grocer - Gron - STAC Gronowe - Groo - STAC Groom - Gros - STAC Grosse - - STAC Groston - - STAC Grosvenor - Grou - STAC Groundy - Grov - STAC Grove - - STAC Grover - Grow - STAC Growden - Groy - STAC Groylliam


STAC Grubbe - - STAC Gruff