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Thys said defend[ant] saving unto him the advantage of exception unto thinsuffiencye of the said Bill sayeth that the said bylle is devysed against him this def beinge a poore servyng man to put him to Costs and Charges in the Law onely and for no other Intent or purpose as he veryly thinketh w[hi]ch may appeare unto this honourable Court the more evedently in this that the said Co[m]p[lainan]ts do exhibyte there byll against dyverse and sondrye p[er]sons for dyverse and sondrye misdemeanors supposed by them to be Comitted & doth Joyne this defend[an]t w[i]th them in the same byll of purpose to maeke this defend[an]t to take forth Coppyes of all together whereas they the said plaintyues do p[re]tend one onely misdemeanor or [?ryott?] against the said def & nev[er] name him in the rest of their long byll for full annswer whereof this def sayeth that aboutt the said two and twentithe day of december in the byll named this def being Comannded by his m[aste]r Thomas Willmson of Scarbrough gentt to attend his said maister he waitted on his saide maister unto the p[ar]sonage of Scawby in the byll named & there his said maister metinge w[i]th the under baylyff of the libertie of Pickering Lieth in the w[hi]ch libertie the sadd p[ar]sonage ys scituate and beinge deliv[er]ed unto the said bayllyffe one [?precept?] by vertew of one attachment awarded owt of this honorable Court unto the sheiryff of the Countie of Yorke whereby he the sade bayliffe was Comanded to attach James Conyers one of the Complt for [?acontsinptt?] donne against this honorable Court in not appearinge as he was Comannded and this defend[an]ts maister then and there did require the said underbayliffe to do his dewtie shewinge him the said James Conyers who was then and there p[re]sent whereupon the said bayliffe did Comannd the said Thomas Willmson and his men who were then p[re]sent whereof this def was one in the Quenes ma[jes]ties name to assist and helpe him therein whereupon the said def did assist the said bayliffe for that the sade James Conyers would in no Case obey to be attached by vertew of the said attachm[en]t but w[i]th foure and Armes and weapons as well offensyve as defensyve did resist the said bayliffe w[hi]ch is the said supposed ryott to be Comitted by the said defend[an]t And the said def doth saiye that the Cawse why his said maister did taieke his men w[i]th him at that tyme was for that the said James conyers is such a daingerous man to [?Cum?] neare to serve any p[ro]ces of and so much [?....ayinge?] to fyghtinge and qaurellinge that his said maister [?doth?] feare of him & of .... toke his men w[i]th him at that tyem All w[hi]ch matter this def is redye to .... .... &c w[i]thout that yt this def ys guiltie of any of the riotts .... or unlawfull misdemeanors against [.... hidden by crease ....] be dismissed w[i]th his Costes .... by [.... hidden by crease ....] matter in the said byll Contayned .... by .... .... to be [?awarded?] unto & herein not sufficiently .... .... and .... denyed or .... be trew ....    Ja: Dalton  Dalton Jnr
Thys said defend[ant] saving unto him the advantage of exception unto thinsuffiencye of the said Bill sayeth that the said bylle is devysed against him this def beinge a poore servyng man to put him to Costs and Charges in the Law onely and for no other Intent or purpose as he veryly thinketh w[hi]ch may appeare unto this honourable Court the more evedently in this that the said Co[m]p[lainan]ts do exhibyte there byll against dyverse and sondrye p[er]sons for dyverse and sondrye misdemeanors supposed by them to be Comitted & doth Joyne this defend[an]t w[i]th them in the same byll of purpose to maeke this defend[an]t to take forth Coppyes of all together whereas they the said plaintyues do p[re]tend one onely misdemeanor or [?ryott?] against the said def & nev[er] name him in the rest of their long byll for full annswer whereof this def sayeth that aboutt the said two and twentithe day of december in the byll named this def being Comannded by his m[aste]r Thomas Willmson of Scarbrough gentt to attend his said maister he waitted on his saide maister unto the p[ar]sonage of Scawby in the byll named & there his said maister metinge w[i]th the under baylyff of the libertie of Pickering Lieth in the w[hi]ch libertie the sadd p[ar]sonage ys scituate and beinge deliv[er]ed unto the said bayllyffe one [?precept?] by vertew of one attachment awarded owt of this honorable Court unto the sheiryff of the Countie of Yorke whereby he the sade bayliffe was Comanded to attach James Conyers one of the Complt for [?acontsinptt?] donne against this honorable Court in not appearinge as he was Comannded and this defend[an]ts maister then and there did require the said underbayliffe to do his dewtie shewinge him the said James Conyers who was then and there p[re]sent whereupon the said bayliffe did Comannd the said Thomas Willmson and his men who were then p[re]sent whereof this def was one in the Quenes ma[jes]ties name to assist and helpe him therein whereupon the said def did assist the said bayliffe for that the sade James Conyers would in no Case obey to be attached by vertew of the said attachm[en]t but w[i]th foure and Armes and weapons as well offensyve as defensyve did resist the said bayliffe w[hi]ch is the said supposed ryott to be Comitted by the said defend[an]t And the said def doth saiye that the Cawse why his said maister did taieke his men w[i]th him at that tyme was for that the said James conyers is such a daingerous man to [?Cum?] neare to serve any p[ro]ces of and so much [?....ayinge?] to fyghtinge and qaurellinge that his said maister [?doth?] feare of him & of .... toke his men w[i]th him at that tyem All w[hi]ch matter this def is redye to .... .... &c w[i]thout that yt this def ys guiltie of any of the riotts .... or unlawfull misdemeanors against [.... hidden by crease ....] be dismissed w[i]th his Costes .... by [.... hidden by crease ....] matter in the said byll Contayned .... by .... .... to be [?awarded?] unto & herein not sufficiently .... .... and .... denyed or .... be trew ....    Ja: Dalton  Dalton Jnr
'''The ioynte and severall annsweres of Thomas Williamson gent Edward Marwoode Edwarde Appelby Robte Sewell defendts to the Bill of Complt of [struck through - James Conyers and] Percivall Bell & others Complynantes'''
- to be completed -

Revision as of 18:05, 20 August 2016

STAC 5/B93/33 - B A - 32 Eliz - Scalby, Yorkshire - Percyvall Bell & James Conyers v George Ellerbye, Edward Marwood, Thomas Willyamson, Tristram Cooke, Michaell Tubley, Robte Willen, Thom. Lockwood, Willm Cooke, Edward Appleby, Paulle Pacock & Robert Sewell

To the Queenes most excellent Maiestie

Most humbly Complaininge sheweth unto yo[u]r most excellent Ma[jes]tie yo[u]r humble and obedient Subeicts Percyvall Bell and James Conyers That wheras the sayd James Conyers was by the space of one yeare or therabouts in Quiett possession of the p[ar]sonage howse of Scalbye in the County of Yorke as und[e]r fermor or Tenant to the sayd Percivall bell So yt is yf it may please yo[u]r most excellent Highnes that one Thomas Wyllyamsonne Mighell Tubley George Ellerby Tristram Cooke and John Weyne not onely intendinge as much as in them lay to interrupt the quiett possession of the sayd Conyers but therby seekinge further to p[re]iudice the sayd Percyvall Bell not fearinge nor regardinge yo[u]r Maiestyes most iuste and Severe Lawes against Ryottes rowtes and such other notorious and heinous offences and misdemeans & did upon the two and twentyth day of December Laste paste beinge Sonday between the howres of nyne and eleven of the Clock in the fore noone of the same day in the tyme of divine S[er]vice in very riotous and unlawfull mann[er] Come unto the sayd howse furnished w[i]th swords and daggers halberdes and longe pike staves and other like weapons and then and there did not onely in very riotous mann[er] make an Assault upon the sayd James Conyers but further did attempt verye forcibly to ent[er] into the sayd howse to the greate Terror as well of the sayd James Conyers as of his wyfe and family then in the sayd howse beinge And then and there used such force and violence to come into the sayd howse and threatned the .... .... Conyers who kept the doores shutt against them that the sayd James Conyers was in great danger and feare of his lyfe And they the sayd Thom[as] Willyamsonne Mighell Tubley George Ellerby Tristram Cooke and John Weyne then and there in such Riotous manner did Continue by the space of half an howre or therabouts Nevertheless the sayd James Conyers still keepinge him self w[i]thin his sayd howse and Continuinge his possession therof The sayd Thomas Willyamsonne Michaell Tubley and Tristram Cooke afterwards that is to say the second day of January laste paste in the thirtyth yeare of yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties most gracous Raigne accompanyed them selves w[i]th one [Thomas struck out] Willm [Appleby struck out] Cooke Robte Willey Thomas Lockwood Edward Marwood Edward Applebye and Robert Sewell & Paull Pacocke w[i]th many other p[er]sons unknowne to yo[u]r sayd Subiects did at Scarborough in the sayd County of Yorke in most riotous mann[e]r w[i]th swordes daggers and other weapons make an other assalt upon the sayd James Conyers wherby the sayd James Conyers was by one of the sayd Riotous p[er]sons moste greivously wounded in the should[e]r w[i]th a dagger to the great p[er]ill of his lyfe upon w[hi]ch sayd affray and misordred demeanor of the sayd Riotous p[er]sons the Inhabitants of the sayd whole towne of Scarborough were very much trowbled and affrighted and w[i]th great adoe were the sayd tumults and hurly burlyes in a longe tyme appeased yet afterwards the Constable of the sayd towne and others havinge w[i]th great Labour appeased the sayd misorders the sayd James Conyers yo[u]r ma[jes]ties sayd Subiect was conveyed to the howse of one Franncys Whitfeld where sittinge to have his wounde dressed the sayd Thom[as] Willyamsonne Michaell Tubley Tristram Cooke Willm Cooke Robte Willey Thom[as] Lockwood Edward Marwood Edward Appleby Robert Sewell and Paull Pacocke p[er]sistinge still in their malicous evill will towards the sayd James Conyers did sodenly in like riotous and unlawfull mann[er] as before w[i]th swords daggers halberds pike staves and other weapons assalt and besett the howse of the sayd Franncys Whitfeld even at such time as the wounde of the sayd Conyers was in dressinge And the Constable beinge then in the sayd howse and p[er]ceivinge the sayd riotous p[er]sons in such mann[er] Cominge thetherwards willed the sayd Whitfeld for feare of further hurte doinge to shutt the dore of the sayd howse And as he the sayd Whitfeld was shuttinge of the sayd dore he was verye sore hurte w[i]th a halberd thruste in at the sayd dore by one of the sayd riotous p[er]sons But aft[e]r that the sayd Ryott and affray was by the diligence of the Constable and inhabitants appeased the sayd Willyamsonne p[re]tendinge occasion of some accons or sutes in the Lawe against the sayd Conyers cawsed the sayd Conyers therupon to be arrested and therby of sett p[ur]pose and w[i]thout any iust Cawse deteined the sayd Conyers still in Scarborough und[er] the sayd arrest duringe w[hi]ch time the sayd Thom[as] Wyllyamsonne Tristram Cooke Michaell Tubley [Thom Appleby struck out] Willm Cooke Robte Willey Thom[as] Lockwood Edward Marwood Edward Appleby and Robte Sewell or some of them repayred unto the sayd p[ar]sonage howse beinge not passing a myle and a half from Scarborowe aforesayd and then and there in riotous mannor as aforesayd w[i]th swords daggers staves and such like weapons did violently assalt the sayd howse and brake open the dore therof and entred into the sayd howse and did put the wyfe and family of the sayd James Conyers in greate feare of their Lives and by such forcible and unlawfull menes did gett possession of the sayd howse In tender Consideracon wherof and for as much as the sayd Riotts routs and such misordred demeanor are ..... Contrary to the Lawes of this yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties Realme of England and to the p[er]turbance of the peace therof To the end that the sayd riotous p[er]sons according to their merite in this behalf may be sharply punished to the Terror of all such evill disposed p[er]sons as otherwise might haplye comitt the like outrages and offences May yt please yo[u]r most excellent Ma[jes]tie to grante unto yo[ur] sayd Subiectes yo[u]r highes most gracous sev[er]all writts of Subpena to the sayd Thomas Willyamsonne Tristram Cooke Michaell Tubley Edward Mar.... Robte Will.. Thom Lockwood ..... Edward Appleby ..... ..... Paull Pacocke and Robert Sewell to be directed therby Comandinge them and ev[er]y of them at a C[er]taine day and under a c[er]taine payne therein limited p[er]sonally to ..... ..... before the Lords of yo[u]r Highnes most honorable privy Counsell in yo[u]r Ma[jes]ties high Court of Starr chamber then and there to annswere to the ..... ..... therin to ..... further order and direcon as to yo[u]r Maiestyes most ............................................... them shall ..... ........................................... of yo[u]r ma[jes]ties most happy and prosp[er]ous Raigne

Answer of George Ellerbye one of the defts to the bill of Percyvall Bell and James Conyers

Thys said defend[ant] saving unto him the advantage of exception unto thinsuffiencye of the said Bill sayeth that the said bylle is devysed against him this def beinge a poore servyng man to put him to Costs and Charges in the Law onely and for no other Intent or purpose as he veryly thinketh w[hi]ch may appeare unto this honourable Court the more evedently in this that the said Co[m]p[lainan]ts do exhibyte there byll against dyverse and sondrye p[er]sons for dyverse and sondrye misdemeanors supposed by them to be Comitted & doth Joyne this defend[an]t w[i]th them in the same byll of purpose to maeke this defend[an]t to take forth Coppyes of all together whereas they the said plaintyues do p[re]tend one onely misdemeanor or [?ryott?] against the said def & nev[er] name him in the rest of their long byll for full annswer whereof this def sayeth that aboutt the said two and twentithe day of december in the byll named this def being Comannded by his m[aste]r Thomas Willmson of Scarbrough gentt to attend his said maister he waitted on his saide maister unto the p[ar]sonage of Scawby in the byll named & there his said maister metinge w[i]th the under baylyff of the libertie of Pickering Lieth in the w[hi]ch libertie the sadd p[ar]sonage ys scituate and beinge deliv[er]ed unto the said bayllyffe one [?precept?] by vertew of one attachment awarded owt of this honorable Court unto the sheiryff of the Countie of Yorke whereby he the sade bayliffe was Comanded to attach James Conyers one of the Complt for [?acontsinptt?] donne against this honorable Court in not appearinge as he was Comannded and this defend[an]ts maister then and there did require the said underbayliffe to do his dewtie shewinge him the said James Conyers who was then and there p[re]sent whereupon the said bayliffe did Comannd the said Thomas Willmson and his men who were then p[re]sent whereof this def was one in the Quenes ma[jes]ties name to assist and helpe him therein whereupon the said def did assist the said bayliffe for that the sade James Conyers would in no Case obey to be attached by vertew of the said attachm[en]t but w[i]th foure and Armes and weapons as well offensyve as defensyve did resist the said bayliffe w[hi]ch is the said supposed ryott to be Comitted by the said defend[an]t And the said def doth saiye that the Cawse why his said maister did taieke his men w[i]th him at that tyme was for that the said James conyers is such a daingerous man to [?Cum?] neare to serve any p[ro]ces of and so much [?....ayinge?] to fyghtinge and qaurellinge that his said maister [?doth?] feare of him & of .... toke his men w[i]th him at that tyem All w[hi]ch matter this def is redye to .... .... &c w[i]thout that yt this def ys guiltie of any of the riotts .... or unlawfull misdemeanors against [.... hidden by crease ....] be dismissed w[i]th his Costes .... by [.... hidden by crease ....] matter in the said byll Contayned .... by .... .... to be [?awarded?] unto & herein not sufficiently .... .... and .... denyed or .... be trew .... Ja: Dalton Dalton Jnr

The ioynte and severall annsweres of Thomas Williamson gent Edward Marwoode Edwarde Appelby Robte Sewell defendts to the Bill of Complt of [struck through - James Conyers and] Percivall Bell & others Complynantes

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