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'''Court of Star Chamber:'''
'''Court of Star Chamber:'''
'''Bill of Complaint, Clement Barker, Francis Carlill, Robert Carlill and Francis Parker. 37Eliz'''
'''Clement Barker, Francis Carlill, Robert Carlill and Francis Parker v John Dobsonne, Stephen Jacksonne, Henrye Jacksonne Robert Sleightom Willm Sleightom et al 37Eliz'''
Transcript: Dave King  
Transcript: Dave King  
==='''''Bill of complaint of Clement Barker, Franncis Carlill, Robert Carlill and Franncis Parker:'''''===

Latest revision as of 19:06, 13 December 2016

Court of Star Chamber:

Clement Barker, Francis Carlill, Robert Carlill and Francis Parker v John Dobsonne, Stephen Jacksonne, Henrye Jacksonne Robert Sleightom Willm Sleightom et al 37Eliz

Transcript: Dave King

Bill of complaint of Clement Barker, Franncis Carlill, Robert Carlill and Franncis Parker:

In all lamentable manner moste humblie beseceth your moste excellent Maiestie, your faithfull Subiectes, Clement Barker of Dunsley in the parishe of Whitbye and within the Countye of york and his wife, Franncis Carlill and Robert Carlill of Dunsley aforesaide, and Franncis Parker, That whereas the saide Clement Barker and his saide wife twoe of your highnes saide Suppliants being at Dunsley aforesaide uppon the fifthe daye of Maye nowe laste paste, (in gods peace and your Maiesties) and haveinge lawfullie distreined uppon his proper soyle in Dunsley aforesaide, damage doinge, Certeyne Shepe and other goodes and Chattelles of John Dobsonne of Dunsley aforesaide, and Stephen Jacksonne of the same towne and Countye aforesaide, sonne in lawe to the said John Dobsonne, and the saide goodes and Chattelles soe haveinge taken and distreined as aforesaide, she his saide wif did then presentlie dryve awaye from thence to the Comon pinfold in Dunsley aforesaide, where havinge impounded or being aboute to Impounde the same, She was then and ther at that verye instant with force and Armes, that is to saie with Swordes and Staves, by the saide John Dobsonne, Stephen Jacksonne Henrye Jacksonne of Aslebye in the saide parrishe and Countie aforesaide, father to the saide Stephen, Robert Sleightome, Willm Sleightome, servantes to the said John Dobsonne, and the wif and daughter of the saide John Dobsonne, then and ther in moste Ryotous and forcible manner assaulted and affrayed, and by them in moste Cruell and Rigorous sorte, beaten, wounded, and evill handled and intreated, Soe that she swounded, and Coathed awaye in the presence of them all aboute some fortene, of fiftene tymes, and at this verye instante lieth sore sicke thereof in suche extreame manner as that it is to be doubted she will hardelye escape the same, and other hurtes harmes and Iniuryes then and ther unto her hathe done to the greate hinderaince losse and damage of her and her saide husbond, and Contrarye to your highnes peace. And that whereas the saide Franncis Carlill, one other of your saide Suppliants beinge of good name and fame, and well esteemed and thoughte of amongste his neighbours, the daie and tyme above expressed, hearinge noe sooner what was happened, but straightwaies cam withall the haste he coulde make to the place aforesaide, where as the saide John Dobsonne Stephen Jacksonne with the reste of their Companye and adherents were then present beatinge of the saide poore woman (and he not haveinge anye weapon aboute him) Called and Cryed out amayne unto them saieinge kepe the Queenes peace, and forthwithe endevoured himselfe to the uttermoste of his power to see the same kept, and pressinge fourthe amongste them to have quallified them in this their outragious dealinges, for the preservacion and safegarde of the saide poore womans life, which by all Coniectures they soughte and hadd determyned to have spoiled and taken awaye, hadd not he Come in the meane tyme, was then and ther with force and Armes that is to saye with Swordes Staves and knyves, by them the saide John Dobsonne, Stephen Jacksonne, Henrye Jacksonne, Robert Sleightom, Willm Sleightom and the wif and daughter of the saide John Dobsonne, in moste forcible and Ryotous manner assaulted and affrayed, and by them in moste Cruell, and Rigorous sorte beaten wounded, and evill entreated and handled, and other hurtes harmes and Iniuryes then and ther unto him hath done to the greate hinderannce losse and detryment of himself his poore wif and children, and Contrarye to your Maiesties peace. And further that whereas afterwardes that is to saye the same daie and tyme aboverehersed, the saide Robert Carlill of Dunsley aforesaide, an other of your saide Suppliants, being likewise of good name and fame and well esteemed, and thoughte of amongste his neighbours, alsoe noe sooner hearinge what was happened but straightwaies cam withall the haste he coulde make to the place aforemenconed where the saide John Dobsonne Stephen Jacksonne and Henrye Jacksonne with the rest of ther Companye were present beatinge the said Franncis Carlill, and Called and Cryed out amayne unto them saieinge kepe the Queenes peace, will yee kill the man? and forthwithe endevoured himself and soughte by all lawfull meanes to the uttermoste of his power to see the same kept and maynteyned, and pressinge forthe amongste them laboured to have pacified and quallified them in this their outragious furyes and bloudye dealinges for the safegard and preservacion of the said Franncis Carlill his lif, which by all Coniectures they soughte and hadd determyned to have taken awaye (had he not Come in the meane tyme) was then and ther with force and armes that is to saye, with Swordes staves and knyves by the saide John Dobsonne, Stephen Jacksonne, Henrye Jacksonne, Robert Sleightom Willm Sleightom and the wif and daughter of the saide John Dobsonne, in most Ryotous and forcible manner assaulted and affrayed, and by them in moste Cruell and Rigorous sorte greivouslye beated, wounded and evill intreated and handled, and diverse other hurtes harmes and Iniuryes then and ther unto him hath done to the greate hinderannce losse and detryment of him the saide Robert Carlill, his poore wif and Children, and Contrarye to your highnes peace. which said Franncis Carlill and Robert Carlill by all Circumstances and presumptions that can or maye be gathered were and yet are thoughte and supposed to be beaten, wounded and greviouslye handled and intreated by theaforenamed Henrye Jacksonne & other of his saide Companye, but especiallye by him the saide Henrye (howebeit he then being at that present bounden in Recognizannce before your Maiesties moste honorable Councell in the Northe unto his good behaviour. In tender Consideracion whereof, maye it please your moste Excellent Maiestye (for reformacion and redresse of theise aforenamed wronges and Iniuryes above remembred and for that alsoe if suche malefactors and evill disposed persons, whoe have soe greatlie [?encurred?] the dannger and breatche of your lawes in manye the pointes before expressed, shoulde escape and goe unpunished for the same, yt woulde be an encourragement to others to doe the like, to the greate perill and dannger of your faithfull Subiects. Maye it therfore please your highnes to grannte unto your saide Suppliants Clement Barker and his wif Franncis Carlill Robert Carlill and Franncis Parker your Maiesties gracious writt of subpena to be directed to the saide John Dobsonne, Stephen Jacksonne, Henrye Jacksonne Robert Sleightom Willm Sleightom, and to the wif and daughter of the saide John Dobsonne, Comanndinge them and everye of them therbye, at a certeine daye and under a Certeine paine therin lymitted personallie to appeare before your saide Maiestie, and your moste honorable Courte of Starre Chamber, Then and ther to answere to the p[re]misses And further to stande to and abyde suche order and direction therin as to your saide Maiestie, and your moste honorable Councell shall seme to stande with equitye and good Conscience And your saide Subiects and dailye Supplyants accordinge to ther bounden Dutyes shall daylie praye to god for your Maiesties longe and prosperous Estate longe to raigne over us.//