CP 152, 66

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CP Volume 152 Folio 66-67

HMC Volume 1 Page 191 Number 634

Haynes Page 259 Number 240

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

12 March 1559 Minute from the Counsayle to the Duke of Norfolk

From a Minute of Secretary Cecill.

AFTER our most harty Commendations to your good Lordship. We have receyved your Letters dated the last of February, sent to us by Sir Nicholas Lestrange and Mr. Randall, whose Credit we haue also herd; uppon which your Lettres and there Creditt, we perceave all your whole Procedings with the Lords of Scotland, according to a Paper conteyning seven Articles of an Accord, to be made betwixt the Realme of England and the Nobilitie of Scotland, for the present Defence of the sayd Realme from Conquest by the French. And furder also we understand by there Reporte, that it hath bene thought there by youe, that the Power which ye haue in reddynes, with the Power of Scotland being promised to yow, (of certenty but 5000 Men) will not be sufficient for the achieving of the intended Exployet, if ye shuld be dryven to lye at the Sege; considering, as theye saye, it shall be requisite to haue two Batteryes maynteyned for such Purpose, which cannot be without some furder Nomber. Uppon which Matters well consider'd here by us, we haue thought mete to answer thereto, as we think for the present. We haue first considered the Articles of your Treatye with the Lords of Scotland, and fynd in the same such Consideration used by your Lordships good Wisdome, as to such a Case was requisite: And therefore, haueing imparted the same to the Quene's Majesty, we see no cause of alteracion of any Matter of Substance therin. But for some Matter of Forme, and more ample Declaration of the Mynds of the Contrahents of both Partes, the Quene's Majesty hath caused the same to be newly written, and inlarged, in such sorte as shall be very shortly sent unto yow; and meaneth also to confirme the same with hir Grete Seale of England; and furder to performe the same in all Poynts, if the French shall not accord with hir Majesty and with Scotland also, in the meane Tyme. In which Matter the French King, by his Speche to the Quene's Majesty's Embassador in France, and by the Travell of his Embassador here, maketh Appearance of Meaning to redresse all Manner of Things, lately committed by them to the Prejudice of England, and to the Subuersion of Scotland: But consideringe their accustomed Practises, we haue small Hope, that there Meaning agreeth with there fayre Words. Neverthelesse for a sure Tryall therof, hir Majestie is pleased, though to hir cost, and to some other hyndrance of hir Affayres, to make a Proofe of there Intent. And wheras your Appoyntment was that our Power shuld mete with the Power of Scotiand the 25th of this Monethe at Achynsion's Haven, hir Majestie hath offered both to the French Kyng by Message, and to the Embassador here also, that if the French Power will begynne to withdrawe there Powers out of Scotland by the 21st of this Month, and will also retyre the third Part by the 24th and the one half by the 28th, and the rest of the whole by the Second of Aprill; her Majesty will also at the same Tymes begynne to withdraw hir Forces by Land and Sea in lyke Manner; with other Provisions, as by the Copie of the said Message, which I the Secretorye, certen Days passed, addressed to your Grace, shall more amplye appeare. So as therby your Lordship may perceaue, that it is convenient for the Daye, both of Entrye and Meting, to be prolonged according to the Respect of this prolongation; so as (if the French will nether begyn the 21st, 22d, 24th, nor so surth untill the 28th, to retyre his Force thence) hir Majesty maye then with Honour permitt the Exploit to be taken in Hand. Which if it be begone the 28th by Entrye into Scotland, the metyng of both Forces may be at Achynsion's Haven the 31st of this Month; which Daye maye be now newly accorded upon betwix your Lordship and the Lords of Scotland; and so therby all Manner of Things putt in full reddynes, not to abyde one Howre from enterprising that, which shall best tend therto. Furdermore where it appeareth by Mr. Randall's Declaration, that, for the suer achieving of the Enterprise, it is required there to haue two Batteryes; although we knowe in dede that the more Batteryes, the more spede will be, yet the Tyme being so farr spent, the Place there so farr of, fynally, hauing no stoore there to furnish another Battery, without des-furnishing, ether of the Shippes, or of the Towne of Barwyk (nether of which maye be so neglected) we haue bene forced to discend to that Determination which the Matter will bear; that is, First we haue gyven Order to send hence by Sea a Proportion of ten Battery Peeces with all Things incident therto, wherof we can make no other Assurance of spedye and sase anyvall there, than Wynd and Sea will permitt, committing the same to the Pleasure of God. And in the meane Season we think, if it be seene, that it shall not be expedient nor probable to approoche the Place, when the Ennemye shall retyre, with the Cannon and Batterye, untill the other Batterye shall come; yet we think it necessary and most probable, that the same be envyroned with a Sege Volant, restreyning the Enemy within his Strength, and excluding him from all Manner of Succors of Victell or Men. And in this Parte, we think suerly it will prove a grete Annoyance to the Enemye, and a help to our Power, that one great Parte is so envyroned with the Sea, that by Reason of our Shippes resting there, he shall have no manner of Succors that weye, but shall be bleseged. And where your Lordship hath considred the Increase of the Nombers by putting in order two thousand Men more within your Leutenancye, to be redye at the Daye, surely we think the same, as it is necessarye, so is it very wisely doone: And therfore we think it shall be well doone to make expedition of hauing of the same two thousand, to be with yow ageynst the Daye of the Entrye, now newly to be accorded uppon. As for other Things answerable to your Lordship, we do presently differ untill our next Depeche, which shall be with as convenient speed as we maye. And so we most hartely wish to your Lordship Increase of such Honout, as we see yow doo merryte.