CP 152, 39

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CP Volume 152 Folio 39

HMC Volume 1 Page 168 Number 593

Haynes Page 220 Number 199

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

10 Jan 1559 The Queen's Majesty to the Duke of Norfolk

From a Minute of Secretary Cecill.

RIGHT trusty and right entierly beloved Coosyn, we grete yow well. And where ye doo require to haue your Instructions inlarged in one Poynt, which prohibited yow to paye any Part of the sixteen thousand Pounds, brought by Valentyne Browne, to any of the Ordynary of Berwyk; we are content and thynke mete notwithstanding our former prohibition, that ye shall of the sayd Mony cause those Bands of the sayd Ordynary to be paid of there Wages due, which shall be appoynted by yow to enter in any Voyadg with the Lord Graye: And as to the rest of the sayd Ordynary it is ment, that Money shall be there in the North with all spede provided, to paye them untill the 20th of December. Furder, wheras we did the last Sommer appoynt Sir Henry Percy Knight, uppon the Death of Sir - Hilton, to take the Charge of Tynmouth, being a Place necessary to be well garded and sene to; which he hath according to our Commandment doone, having no Fee nor Interteynment for the same; our Pleasure is that ye shall cause the same his Charges to be considred and discharged, and shall assigne to hym a convenient Nombre for the saffe keping therof, with such convenient Interteynment, as shall be mete for the same, untill furder order may be taken for the establishing thereof, in what sorte it may be kept in Peace, and in what sort in Warr; wherin we praye yow to conserr with such as haue Experience therof. And for the Tithes, which in tymes past haue belonged therto, our Meaning is, that now, when the Less shall expyre at our Lady Daye next, the same shall be letten to the Kepar onely of the Howse from tyme to tyme, and not to be dissevered from the Howse, as it now is. The lyke also shall be with the Demaynes, the Less wherof we meane to haue redemed, for the Use of the Howse.