CP 152, 142

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CP Volume 152 Folio 142

HMC Volume 1 Page 217 Number 694

Haynes Page 302 Number 298

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

5 May 1560 Earl of Arran to Secretary Cecill

From the Original.

AS oft as I remember how mickle I am bownd unto the Quene's Majestie your Soverane, for the exceeding Pietie it hes plesit hir Grace to tak upon our miserable afflicted Cuntree, their is na prayss that I can think worthy enewgh for her Desertes, quha not onelie with infinite Charges sekes our Relief, bot alswa, with mervalouss Aventure of her Graces maist deir Subjectis, hazardes also the Displesor and Enemite of diverss myghtye Estatis and Princes, in quam the lyke Vertew hes not takin sic rwitt, as oder sincerelie to know God, or mercifullie to lwik upon the oppressed.-Thir Thingis quhen I call to rememberance, quha can say bot that God hes framed hir in the Schaip of a Woman, to excell any of her Progenitors, and that he of his infinite Wisedome will schaw quhat he is abill to wyrke to the Manifestationn of his Glorye in sic a Vessell and Kynd, as hes fra the first bene Repute fullest of Imperfectionn compared unto Man.-Quhen I wey the gude Success that is lyke to ensew of this noble Interpryiss, quhat Glorie of ony Prince, that ever befoir our Dayes occuplit that Place, quhair hir Majestie worthelie sittis, could evir be compared to this, or culd be thought mair persytt? Besyde the Benefytt that my Countree hes receaved, quhen I call to mynd the privatt Causs that oft movis me to have hir Grace in Rememberance, I synd my self in sic perplexite, that I knaw not quhair my Wyttes ar becum. As of gude ryght hir Majestie may vaunt that sche hes deliverit my Lyiff (destinate to tyranfull Deids) to my Fader, Freynds, and Countree, that lang thyrsted efter the same:-Sa of Reasonn man I be abasshed and asshamed, that na worthye Act can proceid fra me, quhairof hit Majestie may receave the Glorie, and I be esteymed not unworthye to serve sa honorable a Personage. Ye see how mekle I am bownd, and sall theirfoir at my Requeist have my Service unto hir Heighnes in maist humill Recommendation, and resave this Bill signed with my awin Hand for perpetwall Alegiance unto her Majestie and Continewance of service unto my Lyves end.-As twyching the Auffairis heir, I have oft requestit baith Letbingtown and Randolph not to be negligent in the reporte of theym: In doing quhairof, for their Dewitee towards the Queny's Majestie, and Gude Will towards me, I traist thei have not failzet. Thought I assuir yow gretelie cumbred, I man recommend unto yow the worthye Doings of my Lord Graye in all the Queny's Majestie's Auffaires. In all the rest of the noble Men and uther I fynd no less Diligence and Gude Will to Service, then the Weyght of the Caus, and their Dewitee to their Soverane requiris. The Doyingis of Sir Hary Persye are accordin to hir Majestie's Expectation and your Opinion of him. The Arryvall of Sir Rawf Saidlair hes restored unto ws our Spirites agane: I man confess that we wer mair afrayed then hurte; but, knawing with quhat Personage we had to do, we thought we culde not feare owir mekle.-Off the Bischop of Valence Doings heir, I traist ye ar not ignorant, or sall at the leist knaw be Mr. Kyllegrewe, in quhat sorte he hes delt with ws.-I fynd my Cuntree Men sa evill disposit to heir any tawlk, and seing how lytle good can ensew thairof, that I truist thei wilbe the wyllinger to trye it with theym be the teyth: The Tyme alswa is now to laitt. The Cannone, and gude Curage, I truist, sall gif a happye and schort End to this Mater. I am forced thus to leave yow: My Dewite to my Cuntree, and Service to the Queny's Majestie your Soverane, admonissis me quhair I aucht to be.-Fair ye hartelie weill, lang to leif with gryte Encress of Honor. From the Camp, the fyft Day of May, 1560. Yowrs most asswrid good Friend,

James Hamylton.

To the Right worshipfull Sir William Cecill Knight, Secretarie unto the Quene's Majestie of Englande.