CP 138, 35a

From Waalt

CP Volume 138 Folio 35(a)

HMC Volume 1 Page 221 Number 706

Haynes Page 306 Number 304

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

15 May 1560 From my Lord his Grace to Mr. Secretarie

From the Duke of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

I HAVE receaved the Quene's Majestie's Lettres, and yours this Mornynge, by the whiche I see here Majestie myndethe most honorably to goo throughe with this intended Exployte, which in my foolisshe Opynnyon is the onely Way for the Preservacion of here Highnes own Person, here Realme, and here Majestie's Honor. I receaved yesternight two Lettres from my Lord Gray, whiche I send you herewith: The one is concerning a Communycation had betwen the Dowagier, and som of the Lords of the Congregation; the other in answer of a Lettre of myne sent unto them with som News of Leethe, for that they did overslipp to advertise me of dyvers Things which, thoughe they did take as Tryfles, yet in myne Opynyon, they were worthy the knowinge (for a Man may gather by Accidents the State of their Caase ther) whereby, according to my Dewtye I might have ben better hable to satisfie the Quene's Majestie and my Lords of the Counseil, from Tyme to Tyme, of the Success and Procedings here. In the Lettre of the Dowagier's Procedings, you may see Devises of delaye, and nothing els, and therfore here ther is lytle accompt made of here bluddy Sworde in a Skabarde of Peax; here blowbering is not for nothing. All things goo not the best with the Frenche; eyther they are in desperacion of Succour, or else they lacke Victualls. I trust that Godd will thinke this last Assault punyshment ynoughe for us, and so nowe dyrect our Waies, as shall seame to hym beste; wherby we may nowe becom his Souldiers, who hetherto haue called upon his Name with nothing but swering. Godd amend us! The best of us is but nought. And if ony flyeng Taales com to your Eare, that I do not advertise you of, assure your self eyther they be false, or of no moment. And for Doctor Martin's foolishe prattinge, thinke all that he sayeth be spoken in the Cuppe: He knoweth nothinge of our Procedings here more than all the Worlde: If I shuld wryte unto you, of every uncertein Reporte here, I shuld make many Recantations. Thus hoping that by this Tyme my Cossen Sir Henry Percie, and Straunge have satisfied you. I bydd you, &c.

POSTSCRIPT. We are so troubled with conveyeng the Money into Scotland, for that it is in old Money, that we are faine to send yt by Sea, for that we have non other shift; and howe daungerous that is, you cann judge, our Windes being here rather Winter Windes, then Summer Windes. Sir Richard Lee sente this Platte of Leethe to the Quene's Majestie; who is worthye to have some Lettre of Thanks, for that he wold take somuche Paines as to goo thither, not being so hable to ride as I cold have wished hym.

Tho. Norffolk.