CP 138, 23

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Cecil Papers Vol 138 f. 23

HMC Vol 1 p 189 No 631

Haynes Page 255 Number 233

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

From the Duke of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

ultimo Feb 1559 From my Lord his Grace, and the Counsaile here, to the Lords of the Privie Counsaile

IT may like your good Lordships to understand, that, these three Daies have we ben in Conference and Consultation here with thes Lords of Scotland, upon this greate and weighty Matter. And having proponed unto them certein Questions, and received their Answers to the same (which Questions and Aunswers we send to your Lordships herwith in wrytinge) we cam in the end to debate with them uppon certain Artycles, conteynyng the Conditions, wherupon their Hostags shuld remeyne in England. And bycause they do requyre certein Promyses of the Queen's Majestie under the greate Seale of Ingland (as, by the Articles, whiche we send you herewith, maye appere) wherein we thought not meet to resolve and conclude with them, without Knowledge of here Highnes Pleasure, they have therfore determyned to send eftsoones the Lord of Lydington to be an humble Sewter to here Majestie in all theyr Names, for the obteyninge of their seid Requests; whiche they seame to desire, more for the Satisfaction of others of the Nobylytie of Scotland, which be not yet fully reduced to their Devotion and Partie, then for any mystrust they have in here Majestie, as they affirme. And in the meane Season we have agreed that they shall repare home to put their Force and Power and all Things in readynes, to meet and joyne with our Power at Achinson's Haven in Lowtbian, the 25th of March next commynge: And that, as sowne as the Queen's Majestie shall have resolved her Pleasure upon the seid Articles, and retorned with the seid Lord of Lydington, they shall have ther Hostags togither, in a readynes to be putt into one of the Queen's Majestie's Shipps in the Fryeth to be transported hither; so as now they remeyne upon their depeche and retorne into theyr Countrey, assowne as the Wind shall serve them. Suerly we finde them grave and disereate Men: And albeit they seame to be in greate hope, that the hoole Nobylytie of the Realme, (being assured that the Queen's Majestie woll supporte and aide them) woll joyne and concurr with them; yet are they loothe to promesse any thinge more then they thinke themselfs able assuredlye to performe. We finde them also of singuler Zeal and good Will to doo all Things that may tende to the Establisshment of thes two Realmes in perpetuall Unytie and Concorde; but their Power and Substaunce we perceive to be so lytle, that of themselfs they be not hable to defende or offende the common Ennemye without the Aide and Supporte of Englande. And bicause it is thought here that the Power promysed by the seid Lords, being but five thousand Men (as shall appere unto your seid Lordships by theyr Annswers) woll not with our Power joyned with them, be suffycyent, for the well achieving of this intended Exploite, ifwe shalbe dryven, to abide uppon the Siege at Leethe: We have therfore sent thes Berers Sir Nicholas Straunge, and Mr. Randall, whom we have made previe to all our Conferencies and Purposses with the seid Lords, to declare unto your good Lordships our Opynyons, and the Considerations whiche move us to thinke meete, to have a greter Power, for the sure Accomplishment of this Enterprise; to whom it may like your Lordships to give Creditt. And in the meane Season, I the Duke of Norffolk, have taken order by my Lettres, addressed into the Shires within my Commyssion, for the levying of two thousand Footmen, to be in a readynes by the 25th of Marche, to sett forwards uppon an Houres warnynge, given by my next Lettres; whiche may then be eyther called to this Service, or staied, as the Cause shall require; wherin and in all other Things needefull to be considered in this Matter, yt may please your Lordships to advertise us of your Opynyons, by these Berers. And so, &c.

Tho. Norffolk, W. Gray, R. Sadler, Ja. Croffts, G. Howard, F. Leeke.