TNA SP 12/2, 25

From Waalt

SP 12 Vol 2, Document 25 ff.91-99

Transcribed by Helen Good

[f 91] The Certificate of Alexandere Stockall maior of Kingston upon Hull and Lawewnce Warton Sherif of the said towne Henry Thriscross Thomas Dalton, John Thornton, Hughe Hall. Roberte Dalton, James Clerkson and Robert Gatone, Aldermen & Justices of peace within the said towne and Countie of the same By vertue of the quenes highnes Comyssion to theym Dyrected, of all the able Bowmen, haggabutes, horsemen and byllmen furnyshed and unfurnyshede aswell within the said town of Kingston upon Hull, as the Countye of the same with the viewe of Armore and weapon, taken the Laste daie of Januarie in the firste yere of the moste prosperouse reigne of our sovereign Laidie Elizabethe (by the graice of god) Quene of of Inglande, Fraunce and Irelande Defendor of the Fathe &c / And nowe by the said comissioners certified. To the right honorable the Lordes of hyr majestes prevoie Counsaill, accordinge the Tenor purporte & effecte of the same Comission /

Humber Warde Thomas Alred esquire horse and harness for himself and his man. Hughe Kyrfote a bill man furnished. John Lillo a bill man furnished. Roberte Turre mariner with a haggbut furnished. Jams Chapman a bill man furnished for a footman. John Hall a bill man furnished. William Ropar a bill man furnished and a man able unfurnished. John Nelson mariner with a sword a steel cap and a target. John Collynson mariner able with harness for a man. William Keilbie mariner able and unfurnished. John Lambe mariner a footman able with a steel cap and a bill. William Manbie mariner able and unfurnished. John Benetland mariner able with a bill. Thomas Chapman mariner able with a bill. Edwarde Hall mariner able with a bill. Nicholas Caro mariner able and unfurnished. George Norrey mariner able with a bill. William Knighte mariner able and unfurnished.

[f.91v.] Charles Wreight maryner able with a bill & a stele capp. Georg Brown maryner, able & furnishede. John Brown able with a stele cap & a bill. Richerd Cookes able with a hagabutt furnishede. Andrewe Hewarde maryner able & unfurnished. William Rilles maryner, a bowman furnished. Roberte Browne maryner, able & unfurnished. Christofer Haryson maryner not able, a bowe & a shafe of Arrowes. Thomas Blenkyn maryner able & furnished. Edward Preston a bill man able & furnished. William Wylbarne a byllman able & furnished. John Dalton able with a stele cappe & a bill. John Humfraie a bill man able & unfurnished. William Gumbye maryner a gunner able & unfurnished. Richerd Watkynson a bill man able & unfurnished. Charles Jakson able & unfurnished. John Awborne able with a stele cappe & a bill. James Clerke able with a bill. Nicholas Anderson able & unfurnished. John Smythe maryner able & furnished. Henry Ynglebie not able with a bill. John Rochester maryner able & furnished. Thomas Hall maryner able with a stele cappe & a bill. Laurence Davye maryner able with a stele cappe & a bill. John Reygar maryner able furnished with a bowe & Arrowes. Henry Johnson able with a stele cappe & a bill. Georg Cote able with a bowe & a shafe of Arrowes. William Selles able with a stele cape. Roberte Woolphe able & not furnished. Raulf Carr maryner able with a bill. John Rede maryner able with a halberte. John Watkynson able & not furnished. Roger Harke able & not furnished. William Jakson able & not furnished. John Jakson able with a bill. John Spurrear able with a bill. William Ridsdalle able & furnished. Richerd Shakelles maryner able & not furnished. Thomas Peirson able & unfurnished.

Nombre Lix

[f.92] Augustyn warde

Leonarde Browne able and furnished for a footman, with a man unfurnished. Thomas Edmundes able and furnished for a footman. James Smythe able and furnished for a footman. Robert dalton able with a horse and harnes for himself and his man furnished for a footman. William Angle able with his harness for himself and his man furished for a footman. Richard Olyver mariner able and furnished for a footman. James Scolis able and furnished with a man unfurnished. Richard Davye able and furnished for a footman. Thomas Foxlaie able and furnished for a footman. Thomas Stringer able and furnished for a footman. John Munsye mariner able and furnished for an archer. John Thompson able and not furnished. Thomas Clubley able and unfurnished. William P’ot mariner able and furnished for an archer. John Richarbye anble and not furnished. Thomas Thompson able and not furnished. Thomas Marshall able with a stele cap and a bill being a mariner. Henrie Storrie able, a gunner furnished. Roberte Butler able and unfurnished. John Barroughe able and unfurnished. William Trymingham able and unfurnished. John Brownflete able and unfurnished. John Aplyne able with a gun and a steel cap. George Hewicke able and furnished for a footman. Roberte Kempsaye able and furnished for a footman. Isaacke Kempsaye able and furnished for a footman. William Toye mariner able and unfurnished. Robert Manbye mariner able and unfurnished. Alexander Newman able and furnished for a footman. James Haryson able and unfurnished. Symon Smythson able and unfurnished. John Veroo able and unfurnished. Robert Lopham able and unfurnished. Henry Watson able and unfurnished. John Todd able and unfurnished.

[f.92v.] Augustyn warde

Leonarde Browne able & furnished for a foteman, with a man unfurnished. Thomas Edmundes able & furnished for a foteman. James Smythe able & furnished for a foteman. Robert Dalton able with horse & harnes for him self, and his man furnished for a foteman. William Angle able with harnes for him self, and his man furnished for a foteman. Richerd Olyver maryner able & furnished for a foteman. James Scolis able & furnished, with a man unfurnished. Richerd Davys able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Foxlaie able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Stringer able & furnished for a foteman. John Munsye maryner able & furnished for an Archer. John Thompson maryner, able & not furnished. Thomas Clubley able & unfurnished. Edmonde Hudson able & furnished for a foteman. William Parrot maryner able & furnished for an Archer. John Richarbye able & not furnished. Thomas Thompson able & not furnished. Thomas Marshall able with a stele cape & a bill being a maryner. Henrie Storrie able, a guner furnished. Roberte Butler able & unfurnished. John Barroughe able & unfurnished. William Trymyngham able & unfurnished. John Brownslete able & unfurnished. John Aplyne able with a gune & a stele cape. George Hewicke able & furnished for a foteman. Robert Kempsaye able & furnished for a foteman. Isaacke Kempsay able & furnished for a gunner. William Toye maryner able & unfurnished. Roberte Manbye maryner able & unfurnished. Alexander Newman able & furnished for a foteman. James Haryson able & unfurnished. Symon Smythson able & unfurnished. John Veroo able & unfurnished. Robert Lopham able & unfurnished. Henry Watson able & unfurnished. John Todd able & unfurnished.

[f.93] John Baker able and unfurnished. William Parkare abla and furnished for a footman and a man not furnished. Antony Teile able with a steel cap and a bill. Edward Dalton able with harness for himself and his man. William Scolis mariner and furnished for a footman. John Smythe able and furnished for a footman. William Oliver mariner able and furnished for a footman. George Thompson able with a steel cap and a bill. Awstyne Blythe able and furnished for a footman. William Scarthe mariner able and furnished for a footman. Georg Kyrkbie mariner able and furnished for a footman. Georg Shaws mariner able and furnished for himself and his man for a footman. James Hodgson mariner able with a steel cap and a bill. Bryan Buliner mariner able and furnished for a footman. William Smythe mariner able and furnished for a footman. Christofer Barker surgion able and furnished. Danyell Dune not able and furnished for a footman. Richard Brodryke able and furnished for a footman. Hugh Hal not able and furnished for a footman. Jenet Ellis, harness for a footman and a man unfurnished. William Parrot able and furnished for a footman. Richard Langton not able and unfurnished. Lawrence Cave able and furnished for a footman. William Stote not able with a steel cap and a bill with 4 able men unfurnished. Rowlande Wilkinson his man able and unfurnished saving a steel cap and a bill. Robert Prattie able and furnished for a footman and his man unfurnished. James Robinson able with a steel cap and a pollaxe. William Robinson not able with a man furnished for a footman. Roberte Auxwell able and furnished for a footman. Fraunces Thorpe able and furnished for a footman and for his man. Georg Yates able and furnished for a footman. Stephin Verall able being a mariner and furnished for a footman.

[f.93v.] Eustrache Warde not able & unfurnished. James Halmonde able & furnished for a foteman, & his man with a bill. Roberte Armyne able & furnished for him self & his man for a foteman. Paul Danyell able & furnished for a foteman. John Cokhine able man unfurnyshed. William Jenkinson able & furnished for a foteman. Robert Isaacke able & furnished for a foteman. William Carlill able & furnished for a foteman. Peter Carlill able with a stele cape & a bill. Richard Smythe maryner able with a bowe & a shaf Arows. William Johnson maryner able with a stele cape & a bill. Edward Billingham maryner able & furnished for a foteman. Roberte Barnbye, able with a bill. Henry Spede furnished for a bowman & able. Edmunde Clarke able & furnished for a foteman, and his man unfurnyshed. Barnaby Tyler able & unfurnished. John Wylson able & unfurnished. John Jakson able & unfurnished. William Hall able & unfurnished. Mychaell Litlo able & unfurnished. John Mayson able with a stele cape & a bill. Thomas Morebecke able & unfurnished. John Kyrke tiler able & unfurnished. Roberte Mayne not able & unfurnished. William Backhus maryner able & furnished for a foteman. Number Lxxxxvij

[f.94] Whitefriar Ward

Walter Jobson able with horse and harness furnished for him self and his three men furnished for footmen. Henry Thurscross not able and furnished for two footmen. John Thorneton able with horse and harness furnished for him self and his two men furnished for footmen. Lawrence Warton able with house and harness furnished for an archer upon horseback and his man furnished for a footman. Christofer Stokdall able and furnished for a footman. John Hartcastle able and furnished for a footman and Ingrame. Thwynge his man able and unfurnished. Robert Thurscross able and not furnished. William Thomson able and furnished for a footman. Robert Stephinson able and unfurnished. John Plompton able and unfurnished. William Humfraie not able and furnished for a footman and John Mathewe his servant able and unfurnished. William Webster able and furnished for a footman. Thomas Thistles able and furnished for a footman being a mariner. John Wynspere mariner able and furnished for a footman. John Thompson mariner able and furnished for a footman. Christofer Laton able and furnished for a footman. Richerd Bucke able and unfurnished. Nicholas Crages able and furnished for a footman. Thomas Cramylton able and not furnished. William Maughane able and furnished for a footman. Henry Hornecastle able and furnished for a footman. Melcher Aplyne able and furnished for a footman. Thomas Franke mariner able and furnished for a footman. John Bosley able and unfurnished. Peter Wright able and unfurnished. Raulf Taillor able and unfurnished. Richerd Rumney abla and furnished for a gunner. John Androwe able and not furnished. John Freer able and not furnished. George Anderson able and furnished for an archer upon foot. Christofer Thompson able and not furnished. Christofer Banliner able and furnished for an archer upon foot. John Bussyll able and furnished for a footman and having to his servant George Dunkyme able and unfurnished.

[f.94v.] Roberte Frome able and unfurnished & servant with the said Bussill. Charles Ruter able and unfurnished. Henry Norton able and unfurnished. William Sadler able and unfurnished. William Emerson able and unfurnished. John Jakson able and furnished for a footman. William Jakson his man able and not furnished. Richard Clerke able and not furnished. John Hewyite able and not furnished. Thomas Couper able and not furnished. Thomas Pykringe able and not furnished. Christofer Maye able and furnished for a footman. James Wylkinson able and not furnished. Thomas Arnolde able and furnished for a footman, and Phelipe Fysher his servante able and not furnished. Richerd Morlay able and furnished for a footman. John Bell able and furnished for a footman. Davy Thurbrande able and not furnished. Gregorie Blenkinsop able and not furnished. William Kente able and not furnished. William Cawoode able and furnished for a footman. John Claie able and not furnished. Olyver Lavender able and not furnished. John Whelpdall able and not furnished. Georg Conheathe able and not furnished. John Gaston able and not furnished, being a maryner. Mathewe Parlyne able and not furnished. John Bell smythe able and not furnished. John Jakson able and not furnished, and John Jakson the yonger able and not furnished. John Wyllis maryner able and not furnished. Nicholas Browne maryner able and not furnished. John Reide maryner able and not furnished. Roberte Denton maryner able and not furnished. John Leke able and not furnished. Adam Hynde able and not furnished. Peter Androwe able and not furnished. Roberte Prentofte able and not furnished. William Eyrdley able and not furnished.

[f.95] Thomas Cooke able and not furnished. Bartram Fletcher able and not furnished. Richerd Mowdye able and not furnished. Boberte Barwicke able and not furnished. William Lawson able and not furnished. Roberte Througood able and not furnished. Richerd Whitcoke his servant able and not furnished. John Lowe able and not furnished. John Hatfelde able and not furnished. Robert Mychell able and not furnished.

Nombre lxxxxiiij

St Mary Ward

Alexander Stokdall maior able with horse and harness for himself and three men furnished for footmen. Roberte Gaton able with horse and harness for himself and his man furnished for a footman. Walter Flynton able with horse and harness for himselfe & his man furnished for a foteman. Wilfride Rede able & furnished for a foteman. Henry Creswell maryner able & furnished for himselfe & his ij men for fotemen. John Beisbie able & furnished for a foteman with a hagabute. John Cawood able & furnished for a foteman. William Thornton able & furnished for a foteman. John Hodgson maryner able & furnished for a foteman. Roberte Wardaill able & furnished for a foteman. Roger Wattes maryner able & furnished for a foteman. Robert Mydleton able with a gunne & a bill being a maryner. William Gee able & furnished for him self and his man for a foteman. John Remyngton able & furnished for a foteman, and a man not furnished. George Askwe able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Watkinson able with a stele cape & a bill. Thomas Saltmarche able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Rutter able with a stele cape & a poll axe. Henry Myghell able & furnished for a foteman.

[f.95v.] John Backe able with a byll. John Hutcheson able & not furnished. Thomas [Henche or Houche] able & furnished for a foteman. John Dalton able & furnished for a foteman, bothe for him self and his man. John Hudson able & not furnished. Robert Calverley able with a bill. Thomas Strumye able & furnished for a foteman. Hughe Lyllame able & furnished for a foteman. Symon Nykson and his man able with a bill. Rycherd Jakling able with a bill. John Cawood maryner able with a stele cape & a bill. Anthony Strailles able & not furnished. Bartyllmewe Taillor able with a bill. Thomas Johnson able with a poll axe. Richard Penstrope maryner able with a stele cape & a bill. Thomas Maxwell maryner able with a stele cape & a bill. William Bell able with a stele cape & a bill. Androwe Cooke able with a stele caoe & a bill. Elizabeth [Thistibbes Thistilles] harnes for a man. Henry Haynd able with a stele cape & a bill. John Bell able with a bill. John Maxwell able & not furnished. Roberte Barughe able with a stele cape & a bill. John Wayte maryner able & a gunner unfurnished. Thomas Westobye able & not furnished. Thomas Teile able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Parcivall able & furnished for a foteman.

Nombre Lvij.

Northe warde

John Oversall able with horse & harnes for him self, & his man furnished for a foteman. Roberte Pykring able & furnished for a foteman. John [fevars sevars] able & furnished for a foteman.

[f.96] [Edward] Brodryke able & furnished for a foteman. Peter Larde able with a stele cape & a bill. James Cornyshe able & furnished for a bowe man. William Wilson able & furnished for himself, and for his man for fotemen. Roberte White able with a stele cape & a bill. William Clerke able with a stele cape & a bill. John Savaige maryner able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Flynton maryner able & furnished for a foteman. William Wawne able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Jakson able with a stele cape & a bill. Thomas Dowlly maryner able & furnished for a foteman. bothe for him self and his man. John Herncastle able with a bowe & a shaif of arrows. William Browne able with a stele cape & a bill. Thomas Weighton able with a stele cap a bill & a bowe, with a sheif of Arrows. Thomas Greneley able with a stele cape & a bill. William Browne able with a bill Roberte Leides able & furnished for a foteman. Roberte Balay able with a stele cape & a bill. John Anderson able with a stele cape & a bill. William Harte maryner able with a stele cape & a bill. William Jackson able with a stele cape & a bill. William Fletcher able with a bill.

Nombre xxviij

The countye of Kingston upon Hull


Thomas Langdall & his man able with horse & harnes for himself & his man. Edwarde Grene able & furnished for a foteman. Robert Claibroughe able & not furnished. Thomas Myghell not able & furnished for a foteman. Ellyn Hayton, having a servante able & furnished for a foteman. Margaret Hayton having harnes for a foteman & a servante able for a foteman, called Hughe Johnson. Alice Menthrope with harnes for a foteman & hyr servante John Menthrope & able for a foteman.

[f.96v.] Philip Watman able & furnished for a foteman. John Carlyll able with a stele cape & a bill. Roberte Kyrkhowse able with a stele cape & a bill. William Wilson able with a stele cape & a bill. William Sesson able & furnished for a foteman, and Robert Surdevall his servante able & not furnished. Thomas Grene not able & his man William Symson able & furnyshed for a foteman. John Watman able & furnished for a foteman. Peter Haiton able & furnished for a foteman, & Thomas Severye his man able & not furnished. Raulf Brocklebanke able & furnished for a foteman, and Thomas Mawment his man & not furnished. Thomas Spicer able & furnished for a foteman. John Hayton able & furnished for a foteman, and Mathewe Cooke his man able & not furnished. Richard Parkyn able with a stele cape & a bill. Richerd Doughtie able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Sesson able & furnished for a foteman. John Harpham able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Sesson able & furnished for a foteman. William Webster able & furnished with a stele cape & a bill. Robert R[e]nde able & furnished for a foteman. Edward Thompson able with a stele cape & a bill. John Newmarche able with a bill. John Myghell able & furnished for a foteman. Leonarde Doughtye able & furnished for a foteman. William Dyon able with a bill. John Spawfurthe able with a bill. Thomas Myghell able & furnished for a foteman. William Wylburne able & furnished with a stele cape & a bill. William Myghell not able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Kirke able & furnished for a foteman. John Marre able with a stele cape & a bill. Thomas Donkon able with a stele cape & a bill. Hughe Sharpe able with a bill. John Woodall able with a stele cape & a bill. Robert Blayfurthe able with a bill. Nomber xlvj

[f.97] Andlayby

Christofer Lygarde able with horse & harnes for him self & his man with a bowe & a shaif of Arrows. Thomas Northe not able & furnished for a foteman, & John Thyrwyt his man able & not furnished. Roger Kyrkhowse able & furnished for an Archer upon fote. Peter Spicer able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Hudson his man able & not furnished. Glyne Acye wydow, A bowe a shaif of Arrows, with a stele cappe. William Spicer able & furnished for a foteman, and Thomas Davie his man able & not furnished. John Spicer able & furnished for a foteman. William Scailles not able with a stele cape & a bill, & Christofer Clerke his man able & not furnished. Peter Johnson able & furnished for a foteman. John Almond able & furnished for a foteman, and Raulf Almond his man able & not furnished. Jennett Sesson wydow & furnished for a foteman, and John Johnson hir man able & not furnished. William Broklebanke able & furnished for a foteman, & Marmaduke Edlestone his man able & not furnished. Roberte Elenour able with a stele cape & a lead mall. John Hardye able with a bill. Thomas Webster with a stele cape & a bill. John Barry not able with a bill. George Geldar able with a bill. Thomas Johnson able with a stele cape & a bill. George Slegges able with a bill. William Thornton able with a stele cape & a bill. Robert Sessotson able & furnished for a foteman. John Thorpe able with a stele cape & a bill. William Harryson able and not furnishede Nombre xxx


William Wreighte able & furnished for as archer upon fote. Bryan Acye able & furnished for a foteman.

[f.97v.] Robert Ferribye able with a stele cape & a bill. William Clerke able with a stele cape & a bill. John Sydder able with a bill. John Lynton able with a bill. Richard Acye with furnitour for a foteman. William Scarbroughe able with a stele cape & a bill. Georg Mydleton able & furnished for a foteman. Peter Smythe able & not furnished.

Numbre x


John Thornton able & furnishe for a foteman. Fraunces Bacon able & furnishe for a foteman, and Thomas Atkynson his man able & not furnished. John Akhame able with a stele cape & a bill. Nicholas Scailes able & furnishe for a foteman. William Spence able with a bill. Robert Holden able with a bill. John Richerdson not able & unfurnished. Thomas Atkynson not able & furnished for a foteman. Richerd Broughe able with a Jake & a bill. Thomas Akhome able & not furnished. Thomas Kirkhame able & furnished for a foteman. Richard Harehame able with a bowe & a shaf of Arows. Thomas Backhowse able with a bill. Robert Cowson able & not furnished.

Nombre xv


Robert Ponderson able & furnished for a foteman. Frances Haldenbye able with horse & harnes for him self and his twoo men. John Hayton able & furnished for a foteman. Richerd Butler his servante able & not furnished. Edmonde Pepper able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Battye able with horse harnes for him self William Brocklebanke able and furnished for an Archer. Robert Tenante not able & Antonye Tenaante his sone able & furnished for a horse man.

[f.98] John Seeman able & furnished for a horseman. Richerd Turner able & furnished for a horseman. Robert Seeman & his servant Robert Warde, able and hot furnyshed. John Semans wif havinge John Wilson to her servant able & furnished for a foteman. Richerd Turner able & furnished for a foteman. Richerd Jakson not able & Robert Jackson not able with a stele cape and a bill. Robert Atkynson able with a stele cape & a bill. Henrye Acye & Robert Watson his servant able and furnyshed for Archers on fote. Roger Hardye able with a bill. Leonarde Sherwoode able with a bill. William Astore able with a bowe & Arrows. Robert Dobson able & not furnishede. George Baldon able & furnished for a foteman.

Nombre xxvij

Weste Elley

William Marre able with a stele cape & a bill. William Kyrkhowse able & furnished for a horseman. John Jeffrason able & furnished for a horseman. Willam Vessaie able with a bill. William Rodmell able with a stele cape & a bill. William Watson able with a bill & a Jake. John Hardye able & furnished for a horseman. William Parkyne able with a poll axe. Richerd Kyrkhowse able with a bill & a stele cape. Nomber ix

[f.98v.] Kyrke Elley

Peter Kyrkhowse able & furnished for a foteman. Bartyllmew Burton able & furnished for a foteman, and Richerd Ratton his servante able & not furnished. John Warde able with a bill. Peter Acte able with a stele cape & a pollaxe. Thomas Welburne able with a sallet & a pollaxe. Myles Wilkinson able with a sallet and a bill. Roberte Fenbye & not furnyshed.


Richerd Langdale able & furnished for a horseman. Richerd Wilkinson able & furnished for a horseman. Edward Wreight able with a stele cap & a bill. John Newmarche able with a bill. Roberte Rissome able & furnished for a horseman. William Wreight able with a bill & a stele cape. Raulf Donkyne not able & unfurnished. Henry Rolldye able & furnished for a foteman. Thomas Lyndsay not able. Nicholas Jackson able With a bill. Nicholas Baxthrope & Roberte Wilkinson his servante. able & furnished for a foteman. William Molbraie able & furnished for a foteman. Richerd Molbraie able & not furnished for a foteman. Roberte Todd able & not furnished. Robert Richerdson able with a bill. Roberte Wyljinson able & furnished for a foteman. William Wawne able & furnished for a foteman, & John Everynge his servante able & unfurnished.

[f.99] John Sessotson not able & furnished for a horseman & John Raslynge his servante able & unfurnished.

Nombre xxiij

The hole nombre of the able horsemen, bowmen, and bill men, as well within the towne of Kingston upon Hull, as within the Countie of the same, As before apperethe, amountethe to vC lvij

In wytnes wherof the commissioners, aforesaid to this ther present certificat, Hathe subscribed there names, The xviiith of Februarie in the yere aforesaid

[Signatures] elesandar stokdayll mare Henry Thurscros Thomas Dalton John Thornton Robart Dalton Hugh Halle laurans warton James clarkson