TNA SP 12/1, 35

From Waalt

TNA SP 12/1, 35

Transcribed by Helen Good


After our humble commendacions unto your honorable Lordes. . . It may please the same to call to remembrance our former sute made unto your L: to be a meane for us to the Quenis majesty for the obteyninge of the constableshipe of the Castle of win= chester And for as muche as the Quenys Majestie of whome we had a graunte is departed this present Liffe whose sowle Jesu parden and therfor the graunte voide. We humblye beseche your good L: to revive our sute againe to the Quenis Majestie that nowe is and to be a mediator for us that we maye have leike graunte of hir grace for the custodye of the said Castle and we dowbte not but we shall obteyne the Rather by your Lordshipps good helpe and mediation we have writen also to Mr Boxall trusting that he will do that in him lieth in that behalfe / but our speciall trust is in your good L: whome we knowe to have continewed heitherto our veray beneficiall and good Lorde And we shall daylie praye to allmighty god for preservacion of your good Lorde= ships healthe with encreasse of honor from Winchester the xvijth of December.

Your Lordships humblye at commandment the Maior and aldermen of the Citye of winchester.


1558 xvijth of December The maior and aldermen of winchester to my L.