Religion Miscellany 1581-1590

From Waalt

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  • H1590 A: Essex. Richard Browne MA v. Richard Lysett. Defamation for saying "Richarde Browne came over with Campyon and other Jesuytes and was a conferator with them and yf he had not recanted at Poules Crosse he had byn hanged with Campyon and I will make Barkinge (meaning the parish of Barking) to hott for him." [1] rcp
  • H1590 B: Worcestershire. John Rowse armiger v. Francis Hibbett alias Hubande. Defamation for saying "Olde Mayster Rowse lett fall a paper from him which was a letter from the pope and cardynalles to knowe of him howe many frendes they should fynde in this countrey yf they shoulde invade and that he wolde accuse him therof for that that master Follyott (one of the justices of the peace in Worcestershire) wolde have redd ytt and he toke yt out of his handes and wolde not suffer him to reade yt and further mayster Follyott did diverse tymes send to mayster Rowse for the copye of the same letter, who refused to deliver the same and therfor master Follyott would goe to the lieuetenant (John Russell knight) and declare yt unto him and yf mayster Follyott wolde not he wolde accuse mayster Rowse thereof." [2] rcp