CP 152, 139

From Waalt

CP Volume 152 Folio 139-40

HMC Volume 1 Page 214 Number 683

Haynes Page 298 Number 290

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

25 April 1560 To my Lord of Norfolk for appoynting of Lieutenants in such Shires, as be conteined in his Commission, &c.

From a Minute corrected by Secretary Cecill.

By the QUEEN,

RIGHT trusty and right entierly beloued Cosyn we grete you well. And whereas we haue thought it necessary, as well for defense of our Realme against Forreyn Enemies, as for preservacion of common order at home, and meting with such disorder, as percase may be committed amongst our own People, to put our hole Realme in the best order we can devise; and for that Purpose have appoynted Lieutenants to have the Governance and Rule of euery Shere, saving of such Sheres as be within the Limittes of your Commission: We being desirous to have those also provided for in this behalf, have thought good to require you to consider herupon, and using therin the Advice of such wise and skilfull Men, as you have there, to committ your Autoritie of Lieutenantcie to suche one Person or more, within euery Shere in your Commission, during the Tyme of your Commission, as yow shall thinke good to make choyse of; forseeing neverthelesse that, as nere as may be, the same Persons, that have heretofore occupied the Place of Lieutenants in every of those Sheres, may be agayn appoynted to the same Charge, without chaunging of any of them, except ye shall perceave urgent occasion to the contrary; for which purpose we send unto you herewith a Note of their Names, that have bene Lieutenants heretofore in those Quarters. And to the Intent you may the better know how to give order to such as you shall appoynte to be your Deputies in every Shere, in this Case you shall receyve also herewith a Copie of such Instructions, as we have devised to be sent to other our Lieutenants of the rest of the Realme; praying you, after perusing thereof, to choose out of the same suche Matter, as you shall thinke mete to instruct your Deputies withall, for preservation of common order in every Shere, and for answering of the Force of the Shere to your Commandment, as occasion shall require for our Service; or for repressing of Rebellions, if any shuld arrise within any of the same Sheres; or for the Defence of the See Costs, as the Nature of the Country serveth. And herin we remyt to your discretion to adde of your own, alter, or take away, according to the Consideration of the Case, and Nature of the Countrey, as you, with such good Advise as you may have there of Men skilfull and acquaynted with the Manner of those Countreys, shall think best: so never the lesse as you do furthwith, with as good speede as you can, take order herin, for that the Tyme of the Yere requireth no lesse. And of your doings in this Matter, we would be glad to have a Certificate, for our better Satisfaction accordingly.