CP 138, 36b

From Waalt

CP Volume 138 Folio 36(b)

HMC Volume 1 Page 224 Number 714

Haynes Page 314 Number 312

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

23 May 1560 From my Lord his Grace to Mr. Secretarye

From the Duke of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

ALTHOUGHE I am not hable to wryte unto you of suche certen Newes, as yet I wold wisshe, yet I thought good to make you previe to our ho Occurrants here. Ther was certein Englisshe Men that, about three Weks or a Monethe past, were taken Prisoners at Dunbarr, which upon their Worde returned hether for three or four Dayes, who declarid that the French had a Platt of Hertelpole, where they mynded to sett Men alond, and to fortyfye the Place; which being donn, they hooped to make Yorke the Bownds of Ingland: This cum out by an Italian, who is the Fortyfier att Dunbarr. If I knew the Queen's Majestie's Pleasure, I might chaunce to intise that Italian hether. He seameth to bere grete good Will to this Realme, and sayeth that, before this Tyme, he hath offredd his Service hither. The Lord Hume hath taxed those in that Marche that are not hable to serve; and the others he hath commaunded to be readye at an Houres Warnynge: No Man yet cann tell what he myndeth to doo; but we looke rather for ill then good. My Cousyn Percye cam to me yesterdaye, who hath, as I perceave by the Queen's Majestie's Lettres, so playnelye executed his Instruccions, as I now thinke my self fullye dischardged of my Dewtie. I stay to wryte howe I mynde to deale in that Matter you knowe of, till Sir Peter Caroe retorne out of Scotland, which wolbe shortly. I meane the sending of on to London. Thus with my harty Thanks for the Friendshipp, which continually by all Men's Reports ye shewe towards me. I bydd, &c.

Tho. Norffolk.