CP 138, 35c

From Waalt

CP Volume 138 Folio 35(c)

HMC Volume 1 Page 223 Number 710

Haynes Page 312 Number 310

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

19 May 1560 From my Lord his Grace to my Lords of the Counsell

From the D. of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

PLEASETHE it your good Lords to be advertised, that I receaved this Momynge the Queen's Majestie's Lettres, and yours of the fiveteenthe of th Monethe, with a most frendly Lettre of the Lords; for the whiche I must accompe myself most bownden unto the same, perceaving therby the greate care that your Lordshipps have of my well doinge. In the Queen's Majestie's Lettres consilt dyvers Things; Furst, the Nomber of Men, that is thought good for Thaccomplit shemen of this Enterprise: Secondarly, my goinge eyther for a Tyme or lenger, as to me shuld seame best: Thirdly, To doo what I could for the better contenting of my Lord Graye, for feare he shuld take my commyng in torne to his dishenor. Lastly, here Majestie willeth me to advertise here, howe these greate Nombers, which have ben levied within my Lyeutennancie, have ben disposed. For aunswer the firste, wherein I thinke the Weight of this Matter to depende, and for feare, that your Lordshipps might thinke me forgeatfull of my Deutie, if that I shuld not advertise you, of the hoole State here in Tyme, whilest ther may be some helpe, I thought good playnely to declare unto your Lordshipps a yonge Man's Opynyon; which is, that when your three thousand Men is com out of the Southe Partes, and three thousand here levied in my Lyeutennancie, they, with those that are leffte at the Campe, woll not amounte unto so many Men, or verye fewe more, then entred with my Lord Graye, at his going in. What with Deathe, what with Herts, what with Sickness, what with Pasports, and what with deceaving of the Queen's Majestie, I dare assure your Lordshipps ther is lesse nowe then the Queen's Majestie paid for, at the Armies going out of Barwick, well neighe by five thousand Men. The pilling, and pollinge of the Queen's Majestie woll lett no trewe muster be made. They say, it is not the Fasshion to be mustred all in a Daie, and by that Meanes, on helpeth to deceave the Queen's Majestie, and their Countrey one Daie, and another thother. I am asshamed, to wryte as much as I dailye heere. But for Godde's Sake, my Lords, consider the Weighte of this Cause, and consider howe neer it wold touche the Realme, if that ther should chaunce another Repulse, the Tyme of the Yere being so farr spent as it is. It is all one Chardge to the Queen's Majestie to have a lyttell Armie lye longe in the Fild in daunger of Mysfortunes, and to have a grete Armye lye but a while in Safftye; which is the wey to bringe this Enterprise to good passe. The French have taken to good a Harte now to be feared with Bruts: Ther is no wey nowe to abasshe them, but with Power. To the second Point, for my going in; I hope the Queen's Majestie maketh accompte, that, whatsoever here Highenes please to commaunde me, I woll either doo, or els not be in caase to say why I did yt not; neverthelesse as I hope, where soever it shall please here Majestie to send me in, she woll not have me goe, bat with a suffycyent Nomber of Men, and all other Things necessarie; and also so accompaigned, as the lacke of my yonge yeres may be supplied with bothe wise, honourable and grave Counsail; of the wiche, where a Man shuld chuse, in this Quarter, or that be alredy in the Campe, I leave to your Lordshipps further Judgement. And where her Majestie leveth to my discretion, eyther to tarye ther, or com away againe, when Things be sett in order, her Majestie's Commaundement beinge sett apart, and your Lordshipps, I well rather be toren with wilde Horses, then, after I have ons shewed my Face ther, I wold retorne, leaving my Countreymen ther to live and dye under my Chardge. Whatsoever your Lordshipps shall commaund of me, I shalbe readie to accomplisshe, and in the meane Tyme shall prepare my self to doo whatsoever the Queen's Majestie or you shall commaunde of me, according to my small Power. As for comforting my Lord Graye, bothe hetherto I have, and so shall contynewe, as by the Copie of my Lettres sent to hym alweys may apere: And for the Nombers of Men levied in my Lyeutennauncie, by my next Pacquett, (for that I am sorrye to stay thes Lettres, whilest that is wryting out of my Booke,) I shall send divided, how when, and upon what Consideration, they have ben levied. Thus most humbly beseeching your Lordshipps to bere with myn ernest wrytyng, for that I see I cannot otherwees dischardge my Dewtie towards the Queen's Majestie and my Countreye, I take my leave, wisshing to your Lordshipps suche News, as I wold wisshe to my self, which woll not be without a greter Nomber of Footmen then yet you are determined of. From Barwick.

Tho. Norffolk.