CP 138, 27b

From Waalt

CP Volume 138 Folio 27(b)

HMC Volume 1 Page 202 Number 656

Haynes Page 279 Number 263

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

7 April 1560 From my Lord his Grace and the Counsaile here, to Mr. Secretarie

From the Duke of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

YOU shall understand, that Yesternight arryved here the Bishop of Vallence, who brought me the Quene's Majestie's Lettres, purporting here Pleasure, that I shuld provyde for his saff conductinge to the Quene Dowagier of Scotland in suche sorte, as he be not molested or damnyfyed, being received into here Majestie's Protection: Whiche as it is sumwhat diffycile for me to accomplishe, considering the Duke of Chastellerault, and the other Lords his Partakers be nowe in the Filde in Armes, and the seid Dowagier in Edenburgh Castell, and all the Frenche closed in Leethe; so after I shewed hym what Daunger I feared might happen to hym in his Passage, he declared to me, sum what hottlye, that he had not, nor wold not have commen hither, but at the Quene's Majestie's Desire, and that for here Majesty's Cause, and not for the Scotts sake, he desired to traveile betwen the Dowagier and them, to make an Accorde; for which Purpose, he seid, he wold bestowe his Labour to goo thither, if I wold undertake for his Safftie. Whereof I durst not assure hym, although I promysed to doo for hym, all that I could, if he wold give the Adventure; as indeede it were tomuche for me, to make hym suche Assurance of his saff Passage as he requyreth, considering the Assembly of the Scotts nowe in the Filds, in which Caase, if he shuld be misintreated, it might overmuche touche the Quene's Majestie's Honor. In the Ende he hathe resolved to send a Man of his own with his Lettres unclosed, both to the Dowagier, and also to the Duke of Chastellerault; and uppon their Aunswer I thinke he woll resolve, eyther to goo forwards, or to retorne as he shall see cause. In the meane Season I pray you, because it is not meete that he shuld abide longe in this Towne, to advertise me of the Quene's Majestie's Pleasure howe I shall order hym, and what shalbe donn further in this behalf.

Tho. Norffolk, R. Sadler, F. Leeke.