CP 138, 26b

From Waalt

CP Volume 138 Folio 26(b)

HMC Volume 1 Page 201 Number 652

Haynes Page 276 Number 259

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

2 April 1560 From my Lord his Grace, and others of the Counsaile here, to Mr. Secretarie

From the D. of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

YOUR Lettres of the 29th Marche arrived here the first of April. By the whiche we do perceive the Quene's Majestie's ernest Desire to have this Matter accorded by Treatie (if without the losse of Tyme it may be cumpassed) that Scotland may be putt to dewe Freedome, and the Force removed from thens; or else that, if the same woll not be accepted, that then no tyme be delaied, wherby Expence and Chardges might increase, which in deede be very greate. In which two Points we have allredy donn as muche, as we cann doo; and nowe agein have wryten to my Lord Grey therein trusting, that he will ensue the same accordinglye. For indede we be of Opynyon, and so we resolved with my Lord Gray before his departure hens, that if the Frenche woll accept suche Offers as you have prescribed, in that Caase the Matter shuld be componed without Force; and if they woll not, we see not then, but that the Extremytie must followe: And as farr as we cann yet leme, they are determyned to abide the same. Our Pursyvant, whom we sent latelye to the Dowagier, is not yet retorned; uppon whose returne we thinke we shall hier sum what of their Disposytion therein, whereof ye shalbe advertised. We have had no Advertisements from the Campe, fithens our last Depeche unto you; but we hier that the Englishe and Scottishe Power are joyned togithers; trusting that, if the Frenche woll not com to reasonble Accords, my Lord Gray woll use no delay to ende the Matter otherwise. The battery Pieces with all other Munytion, whiche was shipped here and at Newcastle for this Journey, is alredy in the Frieth, which the may take on Land at their Pleasure: But as yet we hire nothing, nyther of those battery Pieces, ne of the Armour whiche was last shipped at London; albeyt the Wynde hath served very well a long Tyme. And so we ende at this Tyme, till we shall have other Matter to advertise; wherin ye shall not fynd us remysse, ne negligent, Godd willing, who kepe you, &c.

Tho. Norffolk, R. Sadler, F. Leeke.