CP 138, 24c

From Waalt

CP Vol 138 f.24

HMC Vol 1 p 193 No 638

Haynes Page 262 Number 244

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

15 March 1559 From my Lord his Grace and the Counsaile here, to the Lords of the Pryvy Counseile

From the D. of Nerfolk's Book of Entries.

IT may like your Lordships to understand, that perceiving by the Advertisements from thens, that the sum of twenty thousand Pounds is commynge hither, of the Quene's Majestie's Treasure, whereof we have greate neade, for that ther remayneth at this present not past three thousand of that whiche was last sent hither towards the Pay, whiche is dewe for February nowe passed; we be therfore inforced to put your Lordships in Remembraunce, howe the Chardgs here be greate, and dayly increase by Reason of the Charge of the lymner Horses and Carriages, the Furnyture of the Shipps of Hull and Newcastell, and likewise the Advanncement of Money to Mr. Winter; as also for that the Nomber of our Footment, are dayly supplied and increased. And therefore we beseche your good Lordships to putt your helping Hands, that another Masse of Treasure may be sente hither, immediatly to followe after the twenty thousand Pounds being, as we trust, on the Wey hitherwards; considering that when the Pay shalbe made for February passed, and for this Moneth of Marche, there woll not muche remeyne of that is nowe commynge, And yet of Force when the Armye shall enter Scotland, we must advance unto them a Moneths Wages aforehand, because the Victualling of the Armye, being ons in Scotland, woll depend muche uppon the Markett; for the whiche the Souldiors must neds have allweys ready Money: And also ther is muche Money owing to the Garryson of Barwicke whiche must needs be paid, especially to such of them as shall goo this Journey. Beseching your good Lordshipps to consider, that if the Armye shalbe be in Scotland without Money in their Pursses, and the Relief thereof to seek farr of, it wolbe a great hinderance to the hoole Purposse; whiche Godd defend. Where-for our speciall Hope and Trust is, your Lordshipps will have no less Consideration, then the Weight and Importance of the Matter requyreth. Also we have here a great lacke of Armour, for all that was sent hither is bought by the Captains, and is and shalbe well annswered and paid for. And if it were possible to send hither two thousand Corseletts more, the same wold be well bought, and therby our Bands of Footmen well armed, whereof a grete Nomber shall els be gretely unfurnyshed. And so, &c.

Tho. Norffolk, W. Gray, R. Sadler, G. Howard, H. Percie, F. Leeke.