CP 138, 24b

From Waalt

CP Vol 138 f.24

HMC Vol 1 p 192 No 637

Haynes Page 262 Number 243

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

14 March 1559 From my Lord his Grace to Mr. Secretarye

From the Duke of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

I HAVE received Lettres from the Lord James Steward, with others also addressed to you, which I send you herewith by the same. And also by other Meanes I understand, that the Lords of the Congregation do prepare their Forces to meete with our Armye at the Place and Daie appointed by them and us, at our last Conference and meeting at Barwicke. Neverthelesse, uppon the Recepte of your Lettres of the 7th of this present, I wrote to the Erle of Arraine, the said Lord James, and the Lord Ruthen, and differed the Daye to the 28th of this present. And nowe agein, uppon the Recept of the Quene's Majestie's Lettres of the 10th hereof, I have wryten agein to the seid Lords, that, uppon further Consideration of Things necessarie to be prepared for the better Furnyture of our seid Armye, I am inforced to differ and prolonge the Daie till the 31st hereof; which Delaies I suppose woll skasely please them. I have also wryten to the Duke of Chastellerault and the seid Lords, and have advised them of the Frenche Practises; and also admonyshed them to beware of the same, and not only not to credyt them, but also to stand fast agenst all Temptacions, according to your Advertisements given to me in that behalf. Semblably, I hav wryten to Mr. Winter, willing hym to use non Hostylytie in the Frythe agenst the Frenche, nowe being in Scotland, excepte they provoke hym therunto; and yet to doo as he hath donn, to stay all newe succors, that may com unto them. And so I bydd, &c.

Tho, Norffolk.