CP 138, 14b

From Waalt

CP Vol 138 f.14

HMC Vol 1 p170 No 598

Haynes Page 224 Number 204

Transcribed by Samuel Haynes in “A Collection of State Papers . . . 1542 to 1570” London, 1740

18 Jan 1559 From my Lord his Grace, Sir R. Sadleyr, and Sir James Croffts, to Mr. Secretarie

From the D. of Norfolk's Book of Entries.

I HAVE received the Quene's Majesty's Lettres, and also yours of the 11th of this present. And beinge before determyned to repeire to this Towne, to see the Fortifications, I have uppon myne arrivall here, conferred with Sir R. Sadleyr, and Sir James Croffts, uppon these Affaires; by whom I understand that, as they have lerned by their Espials, the French doo remaine still in Fiffe, and lye in Kingorne and Brent Islande, and be so streight holden in by the Protestants, which have hadd sundry Skirmyshes with them, that they dare not adventure to goo farr into the Lande of Fife, ne yet cann they cum by any Victuals there, but suche as they have, is carried over to them in Boots from Leighe. The Erle of Arraine and the Lord James Steward, do herein susteyne greate Traveile, and Expences, and, as we do understand, have challenged the French to Battaile; whiche they have refused: Wherupon the seid Sir Raff and Sir James have wrytten to them, to confort them with the commyng of the Quene's Majesty's Shipps, and to advise them in no wise to hasard any Battaile, without appearaunce of good Advauntaige; and also have offredd to relieve their Chardgs with sum convenyente Porcion of Moneys, if they woll devise for the safe Conveyaunce of the same unto them. We also understand for certeintie that Martigues is arryved at Leighe, and not past eighty or a hundred with hym, of his own Train and Famylye; and after his landing, the Shippe, whiche he arrived in, being in the Roode in the Friethe, was in the Night Season taken by the Protestants, and carried (as it is thought) to St. Andrews or Dondee, or to sum other Porte therabouts. This Feate was wrought by on Andrews Sandz a Merchant, who is a greate Protestant. And in the Shippe is greate plentie of Armor whereof muche gilte Armor, Artilery, Munycion and Powder, and certein Jewells, and sum thinke also a greate Masse of Treasure; whiche we wishe to be trowe: Whereof, as we shall hier more certeintie, we woll advertise. We hier not yet of Mr. Winter, ne of the Quene's Majesty's Shippes; but uppon theyr arrivall here, we thinke it expendyent, to furnyshe them with five hundred Harquebuttiers, to thintent, at their being in the Frythe, they may set sum good Nomber alond to joyne with the Protestants, for the better Aide and Defence agenst the French, as the Caase shall requyre; whiche is thought here woll not onlye muche encorage and conforte the Protestants, but also is like ynoughe to cause the French, if they may, to retire agein to Leighe; or at lest, if they intende to fortyfie on the other Side of the Water, this may be a meane the rather to impeche theyr Purpos: And we shall neverthelesse give order to Mr. Winter, both for the landing of the Men, as need shall requyre; and also to doo all Things uppon his own Hedd, according to the Quene's Majesty's Pleasure. At the wryting hereof, Sir James Croffts received a Letter, whiche ye shall receive herewith, from one of his Espials out of Scotland, confyrmyng sum Part of thes our former Advertisements.

POSTSCRIPT. Whereas I wrote of late unto you to move the Quene's Majesty for the appointing of a Shereff in the Countie Palantine of Duresme, and commended to you Mr. Tempest as a meet Man in myn Opynyon for that Office: Because hetherto I have received no Answer from you in that behalf, I have thought good by thes few Words to putt you in remembraunce of the same, doubting that my Letter cam not to your Handes; praying you to helpe, that he, or sum other with speede, be placed there; for it is not expediente that the Roome shuld be longe unfurnyshed. By the next I trust to hier from you herein.

Tho. Norffolk, R. Sadleyr, Ja. Croffts.