BL MSS Cotton Galba, c. i, 39(e)

From Waalt

BL MSS Cotton Galba, c. i, 39

Wright Vol 1, 4 Pages 7-12

Transcribed by Thomas Wright, ‘Queen Elizabeth and her times,’ London, 1838

Minutes of Chaloner's Correspondence

Sir Thomas Challoner To Mr Secretarie (27 Septembris, 1559)

A remembrance to him of the plott for surprise of Dover, and the hostages sent before to you by Mr. Merche, advisinge that although the fellowe Davyes, that did disclose it, be but a silly fellowe: yet because the enterprise of Callis was by a like fellow reveiled, but not beleeved, (mens noti levafuisset,) with to over late repentance to examyne it further. The same fellow told me of much victuall from Ipswiche conveied secretly to Callis, and from other parts, and for Dunkirk, of my owne knowledg more cometh thither out of England, then to Callis when it was ours. Your searchers in England are domb dogges, being corrupted with offam Cerberi. Two or three searchers entertained at Dunkirk, in Zeland, and other places, wold save the Queene five thousand pounds a yere. In Spaine the inquisitours have sited the bonnes of the Duke of Maieieth, buried seaven yeare ago, to be convinced (1) of heresy.

(1) Convicted French convaincu.