Inspired by a vision, motivated by a responsibility.

EVolve Houston is a coalition of sustainability-minded civic, business, and academic leaders who seek to accelerate clean transportation through electrification. Collaborating with government, academic, private industry, and community leaders, our goal is to improve regional air quality and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the Greater Houston area.


"An initiative as transformative as EVolve requires great leadership and commitment from across our city and I am proud that Mayor Turner has included University of Houston in achieving this important public private partnership. We are committed to being the Energy University and a long-term partner and resource for industry and Houston in addressing society's greatest challenges. It's our responsibility to lead by example in shifting the energy landscape. That is why we are phasing out all of our gas-powered service carts for electric vehicles."

- University of Houston President, Renu Khator


EVolve Houston: Electric Vehicle Roadmap

EVolve Houston targets regional EV sales to reach a 30% share of annual new car sales by 2030, allowing Greater Houston Area residents to enjoy improved air quality, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, new clean energy careers, and affordable clean transportation. Download the EV roadmap to learn how we plan to achieve that goal.

Jim Crump light duty vehicles

EV Webinar Series

Light-Duty Vehicle GHG Emissions: A Transparent, Dynamic Model

Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from the operation of vehicles, both Internal Combustion Engine Vehicles (ICEVs) and Electric Vehicles (EVs), contribute to climate risk. The present study describes a model developed under UH Energy sponsorship that compares GHG emissions from light duty ICEVs and EVs – specifically, passenger cars and pickup trucks. The model incorporates distinctive features for the assessment of vehicle emissions. The model is fully transparent, offering the user a clear, direct view of model components and inputs. In addition, the model is usefully dynamic, allowing variation of inputs to test user-defined scenarios. These model capabilities support vehicle GHG evaluation and also support informed public discourse concerning EV deployment.


  • "Electric vehicle makers may seem overvalued, given their tiny sliver of total vehicles sales, but big changes coming to the market could mean investors are right."


  • "The Biden administration’s ambitious goals for EVs depends on developing better supply chains for critical minerals."


  • "As the federal, state and local governments gear up towards planning for thousands of new EV charging stations, where they go and how this decision is made is key."