Transfer Advising Program (TAP)
The Transfer Advising Program is currently only seeing students by appointment.
Please see the Who to Contact for an Appointment link to the left.
The Transfer Advising Program assistss in providing information for future transfer students who are interested in completing a Bachelor's degree at the University of Houston. We highly encourage prospective students to connect with a Transfer Advisor before applying for admission to ensure all requirements will be met for their intended major.
If you are a former, current, or recently admitted student, please visit the Who to Contact for an Appointment page for additional information.
Location and Directions
The TAP Office is located at N111, Cougar Village 1, and is open from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM, Monday through Friday.
Video Walking Directions:
Please park at the Welcome Center, then follow this map to the Transfer Advising office at N111 Cougar Village 1.