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Effective Communication

"Students will be able to communicate effectively and appropriately with stake holders."

A CITE co-curricular learning experience may hone students’ written communication by enhancing their development and expression of ideas (AAC&U, 2009). The experience might also provide opportunities for students to improve their verbal or oral communication skills by creating occasions for them to present on their ideas and understanding of their project. The activity may require students to verbalize their ideas and beliefs in a manner that is compelling, and at the same time, sensitive to the needs of their audience. Below are ways that effective communication can be incorporated in a CITE co-curricular learning experience:

  • Students present their research findings to the class through a 7-10 minute
    PowerPoint presentation at the end of the semester.
  • Students submit a written paper explaining the highlights and challenges
    associated with their service project at the middle school in the Third Ward.
  • Students submit a report explaining the successes and drawbacks of the
    business model implemented during their internship at an oil and gas company.
CITE has developed the  Effective Oral and Written Communication Rubric Templatesbased on the AAC&U's Oral and Written Communication VALUE Rubrics, to assist program leaders in developing their own rubrics for this learning outcome. You are welcome to draw on the linked editable file while designing a rubric for your program.