Shan Zhou - University of Houston
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Shan Zhou

Yuxuan Wang

Shan Zhou

Curriculum Vitae

Research Assistant Professor, Atmospheric Chemistry

Ph.D., 2017, University of California, Davis
B.Sc., 2011, Sun Yat-sen University

Office: 432E SR1

Google Scholar Profile

Research Interests:

Human activity and natural processes can have measurable impacts on atmospheric composition. These emissions can impact earth’s climate system and outdoor and indoor air quality. An important focus of my research involves the characterization of aerosol particles. We conduct field measurements and laboratory experiments to provide unique insights into the origins, composition, and fate of aerosols in the air we breathe, both indoors and outdoors. Current research projects focus on problems at the leading edge of atmospheric chemistry, which include:

  • Sources and formation of atmosphere organic aerosol
  • Chemical evolution of biomass burning carbonaceous aerosol
  • Photochemistry and oxidative capacity of indoor air
  • Environmental inequity in aerosol exposure and chemistry

We help improve the predictive capability to inform policy decisions on issues relating to climate, human health, and welfare.

Selected Publications:

*Zhou, S., Griffin, R. J., Bui, A., Bravo, M., Osgood, C., Miranda, M. L. (2022) Disparities in air quality downscaler model uncertainty across socioeconomic and demographic indicators in North Carolina, Environ. Res, 212, 113418

*Zhou, S., *Kahan, T. F. (2022) Spatiotemporal characterization of irradiance and photolysis rate constants of indoor gas-phase species in the UTest house during HOMEChem, Indoor Air, 32:e12966

Zhou, S., Kowal, S. F., Cregan, A. R., *Kahan, T. F. (2021) Factors affecting wavelength-resolved ultraviolet irradiance indoors and their impacts on indoor photochemistry. Indoor Air, 31 (4), 1187-1198.

Zhou, S., Liu, Z., Wang, Z, Young, C. J., Vandenboer, T., Zhang, J., Carslaw, N., *Kahan, T.F. (2020) Hydrogen peroxide emission and fate indoors during non-bleach cleaning: a chamber and modeling study. Environ Sci Technol, 54 (24), 15643-15651.

Zhou, S., Young, C. J., VandenBoer, T. C., *Kahan, T. F. (2019) Role of location, season, occupant Activity, and chemistry on indoor ozone and nitrogen oxide mixing ratios. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 21, 1374-1383.

Zhou, S., Collier, S., Jaffe, D. A., *Zhang, Q. (2019) Free tropospheric aerosols at the Mt. Bachelor Observatory: more oxidized and higher sulfate content compared to boundary layer aerosols. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 19 (3), 1571-1585.

*Young, C. J., Zhou, S., Siegel, J. A., Kahan, T. F. (2019) Illuminating the dark side of indoor oxidants. Environ. Sci.: Processes Impacts, 21, 1229-1239.

Zhou, S., Young, C. J., VandenBoer, T. C., Kowal, S. F., *Kahan, T. F. (2018) Time-resolved measurements of nitric oxide, nitrogen dioxide, and nitrous acid in an occupied New York home. Environ. Sci. Technol., 52 (15), 8355-8364.

Zhou, S., Collier, S., Jaffe, D. A., Briggs, N. L., Hee, J., Sedlacek, A. J., III, Kleinman, L., Onasch, T. B., *Zhang, Q. (2017) Regional influence of wildfires on aerosol chemistry in the western US and insights into atmospheric aging of biomass burning organic aerosol. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17 (3), 2477-2493.

Collier, S., Zhou, S., Onasch, T. B., Jaffe, D. A., Kleinman, L., Sedlacek, A. J., III, Briggs, N. L., Hee, J., Fortner, E., Shilling, J. E., Worsnop, D., Yokelson, R. J., Parworth, C., Ge, X., Xu, J., Butterfield, Z., Chand, D., Dubey, M. K., Pekour, M. S., Springston, S., *Zhang, Q. (2016) Regional influence of aerosol emissions from wildfires driven by combustion efficiency: insights from the BBOP campaign. Environ. Sci. Technol., 50 (16), 8613-8622.

Zhou, S., Collier, S., Xu, J., Mei, F., Wang, J., Lee, Y.-N., Sedlacek, A. J., III, Springston, S. R., Sun, Y., *Zhang, Q. (2016) Influences of upwind emission sources and atmospheric processing on aerosol chemistry and properties at a rural location in the Northeastern US. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121 (10), 6049-6065.

Collier, S., Zhou, S., Kuwayama, T., Forestieri, S., Brady, J., Zhang, M., Kleeman, M., Cappa, C., Bertram, T., *Zhang, Q. (2015) Organic PM emissions from vehicles: composition, O/C ratio, and dependence on PM concentration. Aerosol Sci. Technol., 49 (2), 86-97.