Senior and Graduate Math Course Offerings 2006 Fall


Senior undergraduate courses

Online course

Graduate course

MATH 4315: GRAPH THEORY (section# 10874 )
Time: 0100-0200PM - MWF
Instructor: S. Fajtlowicz
Prerequisites: Discrete Mathematics.
Text(s): The course will be based on the instructor's notes.
Description: Planar graphs and the Four-Color Theorem. Trivalent planar graphs with applications to fullerness - new forms of carbon. Algorithms for Eulerian and Hamiltonian tours. Erdos' probabilistic method with applications to Ramsey Theory and , if time permits, network flows algorithms with applications to transportation and job assigning problems, or selected problems about trees.  


Time: 0100-0230PM - TTH - 348-PGH
Instructor: JOSIC
Prerequisites: Math 3341 or 3338: Probability Theory, or Equivalent, or consent of instructor
Text(s): An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling, 3d edition}, Howard M. Taylor and Samuel Karlin, Publisher: Academic Press.
Description: Many processes in nature are intrinsically stochastic, a property that frequently needs to be reflected when they are modeled. This course introduces students to a variety of probabilistic techniques for mathematical modeling. The course will start with a review of the basics of probability theory.

The mathematical topics covered in the course will include generating functions, Poisson and Markov processes (discrete and continuous), branching processes, renewal processes and, time permitting, an introduction to stochastic calculus and diffusion.

The use of each of these mathematical techniques will be illustrated in a variety of examples including some from biology. The background for each problem will be described, mathematical models will be developed and studied, and the implications of the mathematical results will be interpreted.


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MATH 4331 INTRO TO REAL ANALYSIS (Section# 10875 )
Time: 0400-0530PM - MW - 348-PGH
Instructor: David Wagner
Prerequisites: Math 3334 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Principles of Mathematical Analysis, Walter Rudin, McGraw-Hill, 3nd Edition.

A brief course description can be found at:

This course covers the theoretical underpinnings of real analysis. Stress will be placed on students proving theorems correctly. As time permits, we will provide examples giving application of the theory to problems in analysis. 

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MATH 4350: DIFFERENTIAL GEOMETRY (secton# 12897)
Time: 1000-1100AM -MWF - 345-PGH
Instructor: M. Ru
Prerequisites: Math 2433 (Calculus of Functions of Several Variables) and Math 2431 (Linear Algebra)
Text(s): Differential Geometry: A first course in curves and surfaces by Prof. Theodore Shifrin at the University of Georgia (
Description: This year-long course will introduce the theory of the geometry of curves and surfaces in three-dimensional space using calculus techniques, exhibiting the interplay between local and global quantities. Topics include: curves in the plane and in space, global properties of curves and surfaces in three dimensions, the first fundamental form, curvature of surfaces, Gaussian curvature and the Gaussian map, geodesics, minimal surfaces, Gauss' Theorem Egregium, Gauss-Bonnet theorem etc.

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MATH 4364: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (Section# 10877)
Time: 0530-0700PM - MW - 309-PGH
Instructor: Alexandre Caboussat
Prerequisites: Math 2431 (Linear Algebra), Math 3331 (Differential Equations), Cosc 1301 or 2101 or equivalent. This is the first semester of a two semester course.
Text(s): Numerical Analysis (8th edition), by R.L. Burden and J.D. Faires, Brooks-Cole Publishers

We will develop and analyze numerical methods for approximating the solutions of common mathematical problems. This is an introductory course and will be a mix of mathematics and computing.

The emphasis this semester
will be on interpolation, numerical integration, direct and iterative methods for solving linear systems of algebraic equations and numerical methods for solving nonlinear algebraic equations.

N.B. This is the first semester of a two semester course. The emphasis the second semester will be in particular on numerical methods for ordinary differential equations and partial differential equations.


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MATH 4377: ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA (section# 13279)
Time: 0100-0230PM - MW - 350-PGH
Instructor: TOMFORDE
Prerequisites: Math 2431 + a minimum of 3 semester hours of 3000 level mathematics

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MATH 4377: ADVANCED LINEAR ALGEBRA (section# 10879)
Time: 0230-0400PM - TTH - 347-PGH
Instructor: HAUSEN
Prerequisites: Math 2431 + a minimum of 3 semester hours of 3000 level mathematics


MATH 5330: ABSTRACT ALGEBRA (section# 13411)
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: Kaiser
Prerequisites: Math 3330 or equivalent.
Text(s): Abstract Algebra, A First Course by Dan Saracino. Waveland Press, Inc. ISBN 0-88133-665-3
Description: The course will cover the basic elements of Groups, Rings and Fields.

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Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: ETGEN

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Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: M.Ru
Prerequisites: Math 2433(or equivalent) or consent of instructor.
Text(s): A set of notes on curves and surfaces will be written by Dr. Ru.
Description: The course will be an introduction to the study of Differential Geometry-one of the classical (and also one of the more appealing) subjects of modern mathematics. We will primarily concerned with curves in the plane and in 3-space, and with surfaces in 3-space. We will use multi-variable calculus, linear algebra, and ordinary differential equations to study the geometry of curves and surfaces in R3. Topics include: Curves in the plane and in 3-space, curvature, Frenet frame, surfaces in 3-space, the first and second fundamental form, curvature of surfaces, Gauss's theorem egrigium, minimal surfaces.

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MATH 5386: REGRESSION & LINEAR MODELS (section#10889 )
Time: ARRANGE (online course)
Instructor: PETERS
Prerequisites: Statistics or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis", 3th edition, by Montgomery, Peck, and Vining, Wiley.
Description: Simple and multiple linear regression, linear models with qualitative variables, inferences about model parameters, regression diagnostics, variable selection, other topics as time permits. The course will include computing projects.

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MATH 6302: MODERN ALGEBRA (Section# 10899)
Time: 1130-0100 - TTH - 350-PGH
Instructor: J. Johnson
Prerequisites: Math 4333 or Math 4378 or consent of instructor

Thomas W. Hungerford, Algebra, Springer Verlag Graduate Texts in mathematics # 73

Description: This course in modern algebra will include topics from the theory of groups, rings, fields, with special emphasis on modules and universal constructions  

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MATH 6320: REAL VARIABLES (Section# 10934 )
Time: 1100-1200 - MWF - 315-PGH
Instructor: Ji
Prerequisites: 4331-4332 or equivalent.
Text(s): Gerald B. Folland, Real Analysis: Modern Techniques and their Applications, John Wiley and Sons, ISBN 0471317160.
  • Measures.
  • Integration.
  • Signed Measures and Differentiation.
  • Point Set Topology.
  • Elements of Functional Analysis.
  • Lp Spaces.
  • Radon Measures.
  • Elements of Fourier Analysis.
  • Elements of Distribution Theory.
  • Topics in Probability Theory.
  • More Measures and Integrals.  

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MATH 6324: DIFFENTIAL EQUATIONS (Section# 12899 )
Time: 1000-1130AM - TTH - 345-PGH
Instructor: Golubitsky
Prerequisites: Math 3333.
Text(s): The text that I would like to use is the latest edition of Differential Equations, Dynamical Systems, and An Introduction to Chaos by Hirsh, Smale, and Devaney. Elsevier.
Description: The content will follow the description for the ODE preliminary exam at:  

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MATH 6342: TOPOLOGY (Section# 10937)
Time: 0530-0700PM - MW - 162-F
Instructor: A. Torok

MATH 4331 (mainly Chapter 2 of "Principles of Mathematical Analysis" by W. Rudin) or consent of the instructor.

Note: the prerequisites are different from those listed in the Graduate Catalog.


J. R. Munkres, Topology, Publisher: Prentice Hall; 2nd edition, 1999, ISBN: 0131816292

Students can use instead the first edition of this book: J. R. Munkres, Topology; A First Course, Publisher: Prentice Hall, 1974, ISBN: 0139254951


An axiomatic development of point set topology: compactness, connectedness, quotient spaces, separation properties, Tychonoff's theorem, the Urysohn lemma, Tietze's theorem, characterization of separable metric spaces, completeness and function spaces.

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MATH 6360: APPLICABLE ANALYSIS (Section# 10938 )
Time: 11:30-01:00pm - TTH - 345-PGH
Instructor: GLOWINSKI
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of instructor.

The course will be essentially self-contained but some of the material to be discussed can be found in:

  • K.ATKINSON and W. HAN, Theoretical Numerical Analysis: A Functional Analysis Framework, 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 2005
  • R. GLOWINSKI, Numerical Methods for Nonlinear Variational Problems, Springer-Verlag, New York, NY, 1984.

Following Part I of the course where various functional spaces of practical importance have been introduced, we will focus on the solution of variational problems from Image Processing (L^1 fitting, in particular). The following topics will be systematically discussed:

  1. Existence and uniqueness of solutions to the variational problem.
  2. Finite Element approximation.
  3. Iterative solution by a variety of algorithms, including over-relaxation ones.

The methodology to be discussed can be applied to a variety of variational problems

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Time: 0400-0530PM - MW - 345-PGH
Instructor: Hoppe
Prerequisites: Calculus, Linear Algebra
  • L.D. Berkovitz; Convexity and Optimization in $ \bf R^{n} $. Wiley-Interscience, New York, 2001
  • I. Ekeland and R. T\'{e}mam; Convex Analysis and Variational Problems. SIAM, Philadelphia, 1999
Description: This course focuses on convex optimization in the framework of convex analysis, including duality, minmax, and Lagrangians. The course consists of two parts. In part I, we consider convex optimization in a finite dimensional setting which allows an intuitive, geometrical approach. The mathematical theory will be introduced in detail and on this basis efficient algorithmic toolswill be developed and analyzed. In part II, we will be concerned with convex optimization in function space. We will provide the prerequisites from the Calculus of Variations and generalize the concepts from part I to the infinite dimensional setting. 

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MATH 6370: NUMERICAL ANALYSIS (section # 10940 )
Time: 0400-0530PM - TTH - 309-PGH
Instructor: E. Dean
Prerequisites: Graduate standing or consent of the instructor. Students should have had a course in advanced Linear Algebra (Math 4377-4378),an introductory course in Analysis (Math 4331-4332 ) and an ability to computer assignments.
Text(s): Introduction to Numerical Analysis, by J. Stoer and R. Bulirsch
(Springer-Verlag) 3rd Edition.

We will develop and analyze numerical methods for approximating the solutions of common mathematical problems. The emphasis this semester will be on floating point arithmetic, error analysis, interpolation, numerical quadrature, systems of linear and nonlinear algebraic equations.

Note: This is the first semester of a two semester course.

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Math 6377: BASIC TOOLS FOR APPLIED MATH (Section# 10942)
Time: 0400-0530PM - TTH - 301-AH
Instructor: Sanders
Prerequisites: Second year Calculus. Elementary Matrix Theory. Graduate standing or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Lecture notes will be supplied by the instructor.
Description: Finite dimensional vector spaces, linear operators, inner products, eigenvalues, metric spaces and norms, continuity, differentiation, integration of continuous functions, sequences and limits, compactness, fixed-point theorems, applications to initial value problems.

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Math 6382: PROBABILITY STATISTICS (Section# 10943)
Time: 1130-0100 - TTH - 301-AH
Instructor: Robert Azencott
Prerequisites: MATH 3334, MATH 3338 and MATH 4378, or consent of instructor.

Recommended Texts

  • Mathematical Statistics with Applications, Sixth Edition, by Wackerly, Mendenhall III and Scheaffer, Duxbury Press
  • A First Look at Rigorous Probability Theory by Jeffrey Rosenthal, 2000.
  • An Introduction to Stochastic Modeling, 3rd Edition, by H Taylor and S Karlin, Academic Press.
  • A First Course in Probability, Sixth Edition by Sheldon Ross, 2002, Prentice Hall
  • An Introduction to Probability Theory and Its Applications, Vol 1, 3rd edition, 1968 by William Feller (any edition would be fine).
  • Probability by Leo Breiman, 1968, Addison- Wesley.
Description: Emphasis will be placed on a thorough understanding of the basic concepts as well as developing problem solving skills. Topics covered include: combinatorial analysis, independence and the Markov property, Markov chains, the major discrete and continuous distributions, joint distributions and conditional probability, modes of convergence. These notions will be examined through examples and applications.

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Math 6384: DISCRETE TIME MODEL IN FINANCE (Section# 10944)
Time: 0530-0700PM - TTH - 348-PGH
Instructor: Kao
Prerequisites: Math 6382, or equivalent background in probability.
Text(s): Introduction to Mathematical Finance: Discrete-Time Models, by Stanley R. Pliska, Blackwell, 1997.
Description: This course is for students who seek a rigorous introduction to the modern financial theory of security markets. The course starts with single-periods and then moves to multiperiod models within the framework of a discrete-time paradigm. We study the valuation of financial, interest-rate, and energy derivatives and optimal consumption and investment problems. The notions of risk neutral valuation and martingale will play a central role in our study of valuation of derivative securities. The discrete time stochastic processes relating to the subject will also be examined. The course serves as a prelude to a subsequent course entitled Continuous-Time Models in Finance.

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Math 6386: COMPUTATIONAL STATISTICS (Section# 13401)
Time: 04:00-05:30PM , MW, 204-AH
Instructor: PETERS
Prerequisites: Math 4377 and Math 4331 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): "Introductory Statistics with R", by Peter Dalgaard, Springer.
Description: An introduction to methods and software for basic computing tasks in statistics, descriptive, graphical and exploratory techniques, sampling and simulation, modeling and fitting, and inference procedures. Most of the computing will be done with the packages R and Splus, although some use will be made of spreadsheet programs and MATLAB.

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Math 6395: Wavelet Analysis (Section# 12900)
Time: 0400-0530PM -MW - 315-PGH
Instructor: Manos Papadakis
Prerequisites: MATH 6320 and MATH 4355 or consent of the instructor.
Text(s): A First Course on Wavelets", by E. Hernandez and G. Weiss, CRC, 1996.
Description: The Fourier transform on Euclidean spaces and Plancherel's theorem. Fundamentals of frames in Hilbert spaces (familiarity with Hilbert spaces, projections, subspaces and bounded operators on Hilbert spaces is assumed), Multiresolution analysis, Scaling functions and Multiresolution (MRA) wavelets; Examples of MRAs, Shannon's sampling theorem; Fast Wavelet transforms and filter banks, The construction of compactly supported wavelets; Spline wavelets on the real line, The unitary extension principle Separable, non-separable multiresolution analysis and Fast Wavelet transforms; Isotropic multiresolution analysis and transforms, Directional representations: Kingsbury's complex wavelets, Wedglets, beamlets, curvelets and sheerlets.


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Math 6397: NUM SOL STOCHASTIC DIFF EQTNS (Section# 12901)
Time: 0100-0230PM - MW - 348-PGH
Instructor: TIMOFEYEV
Text(s): Numerical Solution of SDE Through Computer Experiments by Peter Eris Kloeden, Eckhard Platen, Henri Schurz Publisher: Springer ISBN: 3540570748

The main emphasis will be on numerical methods for the stochastic differential equations and Markov chains. In the beginning an overview of the necessary background in probability and stochastic DE's will be given. Very few formal proofs will be covered, but a brief overview of Probability, Markov processes, Wiener process, Ito calculus, Fokker-Planck equation, Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process will be provided.

Next, stochastic Taylor expansions, weak and strong convergence will be discussed. Stochastic schemes of various order and schemes based on exact solution will be discussed in detail. Students will have to complete programming assignments implementing some of these methods.

In the second half of the course the main emphasis will be on applications for stochastic differential equations. Relevant statistical quantities, numerical computation of distributions, equilibrium and non-equilibrium simulations, time- and ensemble averaging will be discussed. Applications of various techniques, such as Markov chain Monte Carlo, Adiabatic Elimination, Hidden Markov Models, Multiscale Methods, etc. will be presented.

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Math 6397: DUALITY MTHD & OPERATOR SPACES(Section# 12902)
Time: 0900-1000AM - MWF - 350-PGH
Instructor: BLECHER
Prerequisites: Real variables Math 6320/21. A functional analysis course would be great, although strong students without this could read up on it concurrently.
Text(s): Complete typed notes will be provided.
Description: Brief description: The purpose of this course is two-fold,
1) to offer analysis graduate students a course in topics which are not currently covered in the functional analysis course, but which many of them really need to know, and others may be interested in for general knowledge, and
2) to provide an introduction to the theory of operator spaces. The first part of > the course will be on topological vector spaces, and in particular, weak topologies, and some basic results in convexity theory.
The second part of the course is devoted to the basic theory of operator spaces. This will of course use their duality, which will use material from the first part. We will also briefly review the theory of C*-algebras which we shall need. The later parts of the course will be optional (students will not be tested on more advanced material) and will be more specialized. There will probably be one midterm test, and a final project.

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Math 6397: TIME SERIES ANALYSIS (Section# 12904)
Time: 1000-1130AM - TTH - 350-PGH
Instructor: Kao
Prerequisites: MATH 6383 Probability and Statistics Matrix Algebra
Text(s): Time Series Analysis Princeton University Press, by James D. Hamilton 1994, ISBN 0691-04289-6
Description: This course covers the basic ideas in time series analysis. Topics include stationary processes, ARIMA models, nolinear time series analysis, cointegration, kalman filters and state-space model, and regime-switching models, This course is to be followed by an advanced course to be offered in the sping 2007 entitled "Analysis of Financial and Energy Time Series."

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Math 6397: MATHEMATICAL HEMODYNAMICS (Section# 13906)
Time: 11:30am -01:00 - TTH - 309-PGH
Instructor: CANIC
Prerequisites: Multivariable Calculus, Real and Complex Analysis

None required. Texbooks that will be used are:

  • W. Strauss's: "Partial Differential Equations"
  • R. Glowinski: "Numerical Methods for Fluids (Part 3)"
  • Chorin and Marsden: "Mathematical Introduction to Fluid Mechanics"
  • Y.C. Fung: "Circulation"
  • Y.C. Fung: "Biomechanics: Mechanical properties of living tissues
  • R. LeVeques: "Conservation Laws", Research Papers

Review of basic linear PDEs. Analysis of quasilinear PDEs with concentration to hyperbolic conservation laws.

Introduction to fundamentals of fluid mechanics(basic equations of motion: continuity, momentum, energy, vorticity). Incompressible/compressible flow examples (derivation of the incompressible, viscous Navier-Stokes equations).

A brief introduction to Sobolev spaces. Fluid-structure interaction arising in blood flow modeling(effective models). Energy estimates.

Special topics related to the study of blood flow through compliant blood vessels.

For more infomation, click here


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Math 6397: Gibbs fields and their applications to automated Image Analysis (section# 13863) (Cancel)
Time: 0100-0230PM - TTH - 350-PGH
Instructor: Robert Azencott
Prerequisites: Math 3338 or equivalent. Other background topics required in probability theory will be covered in the course.

Reference books :

  • Pierre Bremaud, "Markov Chains, Gibbs Fields, Monte Carlo Simulation and Queues" , Springer TAM Vol 31
  • Bernard Chalmond, "Modeling and inverse problems in image analysis" Springer Vol 155, 2003

Gibbs fields are probabilistic models designed to analyze the behaviour of large systems of "particles" or "processors" in interaction ; they have been introduced by physicists for "statistical mechanics" describing the magnetisation of large nets of small magnets, and have generated exciting applications to modelize very large sets of digital images, in order to solve "low-level" artificial vision tasks , such as textures modelizations and segmentation, etc.

The main probabilistic topics impacting this course involve the dynamics of homogeneous and non-homogeneous Markov chains on (huge) finite spaces, Bayesian inference, efficient estimation of parameters in stochastic models , multidimensional Gaussian processes, Monte-Carlo simulations. We will present image analysis applications and sketch simulated annealing techniques for minimization of functions of very large numbers of discrete variables


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Math 7320: FUNCTIONAL ANALYSIS (Section# 12907)
Time: 1000-1100AM - MWF - 350-PGH
Instructor: PAULSEN
Prerequisites: Math 6320-6321
Text(s): A Course in Functional Analysis, John B. Conway
Description: We will begin with the geometry of Hilbert spaces and operators on Hilbert space. We will then study Banach spaces, locally convex and weak topologies and finish with a deeper look at operators on Banach spaces.

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Time: 1:00-2:30PM - MW - 345-PGH
Instructor: Y. Kuznetsov
Prerequisites: Courses on Linear Algebra and Numerical Analysis
Text(s): None
Description: Finite Element,Finite Volume,and Finite Difference discretizations of partial differential equations result in very large scale systems of algebraic equations. The matrices of these systems often are not symmetric and/or positive definite. The direct solution methods cann't be used for their solution. The only way to solve large scale systems is to use efficient preconditioned iterative methods. In this course, the students will learn about the basic preconditioned iterative methods including GMRES,preconditioned conjugate gradient, preconditioned Lanczos, and preconditioned Chebyshev ones.They will also learn about the major approaches to the construction of efficient and reliable preconditioners based on domain decomposition,fictitious domain,and multilevel substructuring techniques. The efficiency of preconditioned iterative methods will be illustrated by applications in geosciences,fluid dynamics,diffusion,and electromagnetics.