Senior and Graduate Math Course Offerings 2007 Summer




MATH 4377 Advanced Linear Algebra (Summer I)(section# 06111)
Time: 1000-1200 - MTWTH - room 301-AH
Instructor: M. Ru
Prerequisites: Math 2431 + a minimum of 3 semester hours of 3000 level mathematics
Text(s): Linear Algebra second edition, Kenneth Hoffmann, Ray Kunze, Prentice-Hall
Description: Description: I plan to cover the First five Chapters of the book:
1. Fields and Linear Equations.
2. Vector Spaces over fields, subspaces, bases and dimension.
3. Linear Transformations and Matrix Representations.
4. Polynomials, ideals and prime factorization.
5. Determinants (if time permits)

MATH 4378 Advanced Linear AlgebraI (Summer IV) (section# 06112)
Time: 1200-0200PM - MTWTH - 201-SEC
Instructor: Friedberg
Prerequisites: Math 4377 or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Linear Algebra, K. Hoffman and R. Kunze, 2nd Edition, Prentice-Hall.
Description: Diagonalizable and triangulable linear operators, Cayley-Hamilton Theorem, Primary Decomposition Theorem, (generalized) eigenvalues, eigenvectors, eigenspaces, and canonical forms.


MATH 5330 Abstract Algebra (Summer I)(section# 07770 )
Time: On line course
Instructor: Kaiser
Prerequisites: This course is meant for students who wish to pursue a Master of Arts in Mathematics (MAM). Please contact the instructor inorder to find out whether this course is suitable for you and/or your degree plan.
Text(s): Abstract Algebra , A First Course by Dan Saracino. Waveland Press, Inc. ISBN 0-88133-665-3
Description: Through the theory of groups, the most important concepts and constructions in abstract algebra will be discussed.



MATH 5333: Analysis (Summer I) (section# 06129)
Time: On line course
Instructor: M. Ru
Prerequisites: Consent of instructor
Text(s): Analysis by Steven R. Lay, 4th ed.
Description: A survey of the concepts of limit, continuity, differentiation and integration for functions of one variable and functions of several variables; selected applications. This is an online course.

MATH 5385 Statistics (Summer IV)(section# 06131)
Time: On line course
Instructor: Peters
Prerequisites: Math 1432: Calculus II or consent of instructor.
Text(s): Applied Statistics with Microsoft Exceel, by Gerald Keller, Duxbury 2001. ISBN:0534382029
Description: Fundamentals of probability and statistics. Descriptive and inferential methods of statistics.


MATH 5397 Survey of Mathematics (Summer I )(section# 07769)
Time: On line course
Instructor: Etgen




MATH 6300 Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers (Summer I)(section# 07754 )
Time: 1200-0200PM - MTWTH - 350-PGH
Instructor: Kaiser
Text(s): Lecture notes (posted on instructor's home page and Karel Hrbacek, Thomas Jech, Introduction to Set Theory, Third Edition, Revised and Expanded, Taylor & Francis, ISBN-10:0-8247-7915-0

The theory of Ordinals and Cardinals will be developed within Zermelo Fraenkel Set Theory. A few tools from mathematical logic will be developed within the course.

For more information: visit instructor's web page:


MATH 6395 SELECT TOPICS ANALYSIS (Summer III) (section# 07752)
Time: 0100-0200PM - MTWTH - 348-PGH
Instructor: SINGH,D
Prerequisites: Linear Algebra, Basic Complex Analysis, Some knowledge of measure theory; or consent of instructor

Nicholas Young: An Introduction to Hilbert Space, Cambridge University Press

Other references: Operators, Functions and Systems:An Easy Reading. Volume 1. N. K. Nikolski. Mathematical Surveys Volume 93, American Mathematical Society. 2002.

Description: A quick review and statement of basic and elemenatry results about Banach spaces, Hilbert spaces and Fourier Series. Basic properties of the Hardy spaces on the open unit disk especially H^2 and of some of the operators defined on them. Beurling's Theorem. Invariant Subspaces of the shift and related results on L^2. The Disk Algebra, Interpolation problems. Time permitting some of the following may also be covered Corona Theorem, Time Invariant Filtering. Applications to linear systems and control theory as well as other topics shall be discussed.



MATH 6397: EXAMPLES AND MORE IN ANALYSIS (Summer VI)(secton# 07762)
Time: 1000-1200 - MTWTH - 345-PGH
Instructor: JOHNSON,G
Description: Examples from topology, analysis and algebra will be studied. Prerequisite for the course include having had senior level courses in at least two of the three areas mentioned above (or their equivalent) and a curious mind. There is no text for the course.