Nanoscale Conference to Identify New Technology’s Top Priorities
HOUSTON, March 31, 2005 – Internationally renowned nanotechnology
leaders from both industry and academia will meet in Houston for
the second Nanoscale Devices & System Integration (NDSI’05)
conference April 4-6.
Locally sponsored by the University of Houston Cullen College of
Engineering and held at the Warwick Hotel, the NDSI’05 brings
together world experts in nanotechnology, offering a high-quality
technical program. National sponsors are the National Science Foundation,
IEEE Nanotechnology Council, Information Storage Industry Consortium
and Nanotechnology Foundation of Texas. Industrial contributors
include RHK Technologies and Veeco Instruments, the industry leaders
in nanotechnology instrumentation.
“This nationally recognized conference is a chance for UH
to step into the spotlight among the world’s leading researchers
in nanotechnology,” said Dmitri Litvinov, UH electrical engineering
professor and event co-chair.
NDSI has a single-session format with all the invited talks forming
the body of the conference. Contributed work is showcased at the
poster sessions. Work presented at the conference will be published
in a special issue of IEEE Transactions on Nanotechnology.
The conference will be a highly interactive meeting that will serve
as an open forum to identify priorities in today’s broad range
of nanoscale technologies. Major topics related to device fabrication
and synthesis at the nano scale, as well as integration of nanoscale
technologies into functional systems, will be covered. Topics include
nanoelectronics, nanomagnetics and spintronics, nanophotonics, nano/bio-inspired
devices and systems, nanorobotics, materials for nanotechnologies,
fabrication for nanoscale and metrology.
Last year’s conference in Miami drew more than 160 participants
from 14 countries and featured nationally recognized university
scholars, as well as scientists and engineers from major corporations
such as NEC, IBM, Toshiba, AMD, Samsung, Seagate and Veeco.
For more information, visit
or contact Litvinov at 713-743-4168 or
For more information about the Cullen College of Engineering, visit
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