Volunteer Opportunities & Events - University of Houston
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Texas Children’s Hospital

Wednesday, October 18, 2023

3:00 pm - 6:00 pm

Texas Children’s Hospital, located in Houston, Texas, is a not-for-profit organization whose mission is to create a healthier future for children and women throughout the global community by leading in patient care, education and research.

Volunteers will be needed from 3:30 pm - 6:00 pm on Wednesday, October 18th. We will be facilitating an arts and crafts activity for children who are currently undergoing treatment.

We will be meeting at 3:00 pm sharp at the entrance of Student Center South to ensure that we can get everyone a ride to the event. Please indicate on this sign-up form if you can provide carpool - we always need volunteer drivers! All volunteer drivers will receive one extra volunteer hour for their generosity.
We expect to be back on campus by 6:30 pm.

You’ll receive a confirmation and reminder email prior to the event containing more information! To sign up, complete the Google Form and we will contact you with more information about the event.

For questions, please contact Eshal Warsi at mvpce@central.uh.edu 

Email: mvpce@central.uh.edu