HRI Newsletter Summer 2024
06/25/2024, 02:00:01 PM
News from the HEALTH Center for Addictions Research and Cancer Prevention. View in browser.
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Latest News

Virmarie Correa-Fernandez receiving award from Provost Chase

2024 UH Faculty Awards

The UH Faculty Awards recognize teaching, research and service to the Univeristy. HRI Interim Director Virmarie Correa-Fernández was given the Undergraduate Research Mentor award, and HRI Affiliate Monique Mills took home the Community Engagement award.

Michae Zvolensky headshot

If You Feel Unsafe in Your Neighborhood, A New Study Shows You Are More Likely to Smoke

HRI Fellow Michael J. Zvolensky reports higher levels of smoking and more severe problems quitting among those who feel threatened in their neighborhoods.


Open Staff Positions

HRI is seeking dedicated and skilled professionals to join our team. Candidates with experience in health-equity science and a commitment to enhancing public health awareness are encouraged to apply. 

We are currently looking for the following staff roles to be filled: 

Citation of HRI in Papers and Publications

Affiliates, please use the following language to cite the HEALTH Research Institute in support of your publications and scholarly works: 

Research reported in this publication was supported by the HEALTH Research Institute of the University of Houston. The content is solely the responsibility of the authors and does not necessarily represent the official views of the University of Houston.

Community Engagement

Child Language Ability Lab in Action

HRI Affiliate Monique T. Mills directs the Child Language Ability Lab, which focuses on narrative assessment and code-switching in school-age speakers who are bidialectal — having facility with both African American English (AAE) and Mainstream American English (MAE). 

HEALTH Research Institute
1100 Health 2, 4349 Martin Luther King Boulevard
Houston, TX 77204

The HEALTH Research Institute is a University Research Institute in the UH Division of Research.

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