Finishing the Semester Strong
12/07/2023, 09:00:01 AM
University of Houston

Dear Faculty and Staff,

As we approach the end of the year and the fall semester, we offer our heartfelt appreciation for your extraordinary efforts and dedication. It takes us all being committed to a shared vision to achieve our mission. Your exceptional efforts in educating, guiding and nurturing our students make us proud each and every day.

While the holidays can bring joy and anticipation, they also bring final exams and heightened stress levels to our campus and our personal lives. During the final weeks of the semester, we urge you to extend your kindness and patience to all in our UH community, and remember to extend kindness and patience to yourself as well. A simple check-in with a student or coworker can go a long way in demonstrating your genuine care for their well-being, both academically and personally.

If you encounter a member of our UH community who is facing challenges, please remember that we have resources available through CoogsCARE. These support services are invaluable in providing assistance and guidance to both students and employees who may be struggling during times of stress.

As we navigate this busy season, let us continue to be the pillars of support upon which our students and fellow faculty and staff rely.

Wishing you all the best as we approach the semester's end and a well-deserved, safe and joyful holiday break.

With gratitude and care,

Diane Z. Chase
Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs and Provost

Raymond S. Bartlett
Senior Vice President for Administration and Finance

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