University of Houston
Joseph L. Mashburn,
Dean fo the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture


This has been a busy year in the Gerald D. Hines College of Architecture. A new degree program in industrial design was founded (the first such program in Texas and three adjoining states). Classes will begin next year, and the new program will enhance our architecture programs by adding faculty expertise in advanced computing, materials, methods of industrialized production, human factors, and history and theory of 20th century architecture and design. Student enrollment has grown while applicant's average GRE and SAT scores continue to rise.

Scholarships have been increased, and the Hines supported Burdette Keeland
European Internship Program continues to offer foreign internship opportunities to our students. We have added two new, accomplished tenure
track faculty members this year- Bill Price and Donna Kacmar. Faculty
scholarship and recognition have increased, especially with the recent
addition of new visiting and tenure track faculty. Assistant Professor Bill Prices's research was featured in The Economist and the design journals Wallpaper and Metropolis and David Guthrie was one of 9 "Emerging Architects" featured in the December, 2001 issue of Architectural Record.
Donna Kacmar won further recognition for her work with a Houston AIA Design Award.

External funding for new named faculty fellows (visiting) positions has been received from the Architectural Alumni Association and from FCA Corporation. A search is planned to begin soon for an additional studio
teaching position, and two additional tenure track positions will be added
next year. A new Assistant Dean/Director of Student Affairs position has
been filled this year to assist the college in its advising and to strengthen our internship, student recruitment, and foreign studies programs.

The College of Architecture Gallery hosted top exhibitions, including the "10 Shades of Green" exhibit and an exhibit of original drawings by Louis Kahn. Thanks to university "one-time" funding, every student enrolled in studio now has been provided a secure cabinet for computing equipment. The College of Architecture's annual Blueprint Ball raised $185,000 last fall in support of the college with a benefit appearance by MCA recording star Lyle Lovett last year, and he will perform again at this year's ball.

Our mission shapes our ongoing plans, and we realize that our work will never be done. A school must look toward the future, and we do so believing that design can make a difference in our world.

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