University of Houston
Mustafa Lokhandwala,
Dean of the College of Pharmacy


The College of Pharmacy faculty has truly set the stage for Learning and Leading in FY02.

Faculty members of the university's College of Pharmacy are funded by national health organizations such as the National Institutes of Health and the American Heart Association for their innovative research and drug development for diseases like asthma, skin cancer, and congestive heart failure.

Faculty highlights include:

  • Dean Mustafa Lokhandwala was moderator and presenter at a session entitled “Facilitating Campus Dialogue Among Different Ethnic, Racial and Religious Student Populations.” The session was part of the recently held meeting in Houston of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Dean Lokhandwala also received Individual Education Excellence Award from Texas Pharmacy Foundation.
  • At the Texas Pharmacy Foundation “Healthcare Pathfinder Forum and Awards Gala” several faculty members were honored. In the category of Faculty Inspiring Students to Partnerships, Andrea Smesny, PharmD received the top award. J. David Hayes, PharmD, was the runner-up. Nomination finalists for the category included Sherri Konzem, PharmD; Lynn Simpson, PharmD; Judith Smith, PharmD; and David Wallace, PharmD. All recipients and nominees serve as clinical assistant professors of clinical sciences.
  • The fruit of faculty efforts, our students, are also receiving awards and causing many in the pharmacy education world to take notice.

Student highlights include:

  • PharmD student Mikke Johle and faculty mentors Melinda Neuhauser and Kevin Garey will showcase their project “A Houston-Based Medicine Cabinet Cleanup Campaign” at the NACDS Pharmacy and Technology Conference in San Diego this year.
  • PharmD student Abid Ghafoor and faculty mentor Sugit Sansgiry were selected for their project “The Impact of the Human Genome Project on the Professional Role of the Community Pharmacist” and will also be shown at the Pharmacy and Technology conference for NACDS (National Association of Chain Drug Stores).
  • PharmD student Joanne Gonzales and faculty mentor Judith Smith were accepted to present their abstract, “Development of a High Performance Liquid Chromatography Assay for determination of concentration of Manumycin A in Mouse Plasma” at the ACCP (American Council of Colleges of Pharmacy) meeting in Savannah, Georgia.
  • PharmD student Eva Couvillon was honored with the publishing of her paper, “Inhalation vs. Cutaneous Anthrax.” It was the lead article in the Texas Pharmacy Association Journal winter edition.

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