University of Houston
John L. Bear,
Dean of College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics


During the fall 2001 semester, the College and Department of Mathematics established the Houston Area Calculus Teachers organization and began offering monthly “Just in Time” AP Calculus Workshops for high school teachers in the Houston area. These workshops provide an open forum for teachers to share ideas, seek classroom solutions, and increase the base of their teaching resources. Additionally, they foster increased interaction between UH and high school teachers, and help attract well-prepared students to the University.

The College has nearly completed implementation of its web-based virtual data system. The project includes among its goals consolidating all administration databases, creating a centralized standard interface and real time reporting capabilities, and improving security.

The Houston-Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation (H-LSAMP) is in its third year. Well on its way to meeting its goal of doubling the annual number of underrepresented minority science, mathematics, engineering, and technology graduates, the H-LSAMP was recognized by external evaluators as “without question one of the strongest in the nation.” The National Science Foundation will increase its annual support from $700,000 to $1 million effective April 1, 2002.

The number of students enrolled in College of NSM Ph.D. programs has increased by 30% compared to last year.

College of NSM faculty again brought in more than $15.5 million in external research funding this year, representing nearly 28% of the University’s total research awards. Many NSM faculty members contribute to the work being done by the Texas Learning and Computation Center (TLC2); Professor of Computer Science Lennart Johnsson is the Director. Faculty in Chemistry, Geosciences, and Mathematics are instrumental in the continuing success of the Houston Air Quality Modeling Project, while the neurosciences group in Biology and Biochemistry has received a number of very large research grants.

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