Facilities/Construction Management is pleased to announce a new partnership with FCC Environmental Services for our single stream recycling. This new service contract gives the University of Houston the ability to recycle glass through our recycling receptacles across campus.
This relationship came about through a series of trusted networking.
In December 2023, Senior Director Liliana Simmonds asked Executive Director Jennifer Rea to see if the connections we have established with the City of Houston through the CONCISE Program would be able to introduce F/CM to the team at FCC Environmental Services. As one of the subject matter experts on F/CM’s solid waste management, Simmonds was aware of the different solid waste and recycling locations available across Houston and knew there could be potential use if F/CM could be connected.
Rea reached out to the established City of Houston connections and was easily directed to the Solid Waste and Recycling department. Rea and Simmonds had a quick meeting to explain the recycling needs and the COH were more than willing to make the next connection to FCC Environmental Services.
In February 2024, Supervisor Deanthony Thomas and Rea met on site with FCC to communicate and discuss the details regarding the single-stream recycling needs for UH. Thomas expertly answered all their questions and over the next few months, the new vendor paperwork was completed.
The first trip to FCC Environmental Services with UH single-stream recycling was coincidently taken during Earth Week. It was a great milestone. The Office of Sustainability will now be promoting the additional capacity of recycling glass.
“Facilities strives to meet the needs of the campus community and we are happy to be able to increase the sustainable efforts for UH,” said Thomas.
This initiative is just one small way that the F/CM team continues to help with building futures and maintaining excellence.