In September 2023, an exciting new recognition program was implemented to recognize Facilities/Construction Management teams working together to achieve the strategic mission of both the University of Houston and Facilities/Construction Management.
A similar recognition program began in June 2021 to recognize individual team members. The individual coins were so well received that it was decided to custom create UH F/CM coins specifically for F/CM teams committed to the Building Futures, Maintaining Excellence purpose.
The team excellence coin is a 3-piece set that includes two coins and a magnetic ring. One coin symbolizes Building Futures, and the other side represents Maintaining Excellence. A coin is presented when a team of 3 to 10 individuals is nominated for working together to go above and beyond. The second coin and the magnetic ring to complete the set, is presented the next time a team member is recognized on another team collaboration.
Enthusiasm for the new incentive program has been great in the six months since its release. A total of 210 coins have been distributed to over 200 different employees and the list is always growing. There are already 40 team members that have earned the complete set of the team excellence coin.
Once a team member earns the complete set, they can choose to exchange them for items displayed in the Associate Vice Chancellor Office cabinet or keep it to proudly display on a coin stand.
“Recognizing excellence in our team members is always a priority. We have amazing employees who work together to help customers and their other team members on a daily basis. They need to be recognized for these collaborated efforts and awarding these coins is a great way to achieve this goal.” said Senior AVC/AVP of Facilities/Construction Management David Oliver.
Facilities/Construction Management continues building futures and maintaining excellence through employees who work together to go above and beyond.