Nonmediated Transport:  Through simple diffusion

Mediated Transport:  Requires specific carriers

·        Passive Mediated Transport (or facilitated diffusion): Specific molecules flow from High to Low concentration.  Net flow will cease when the concentration gradient is no longer in existence.

·        Active Transport: From L to H concentration.  Endergonic processes.  Must be coupled to a sufficiently energetic (exergonic) process to make it possible.

·        Classification (Fig. 10-19)


Uniport: movement of a single (type of) molecule at a time.

Symport: simultaneous movement of two different molecules in the same direction.

Antiport: simultaneous movement of two different molecules in opposite directions.


Electroneutral: (1) neutral molecule «; (2) (+ and -) ®; (3) (+) ® and  ¬ (+);

                        (4) (-) ® and  ¬ (-).

Electrogenic: results in charge separation.





I.   For molecule A neutral in Charge:


Chemical Potential (Partial Molar Free Energy)


 =  + RT ln(A)       where “-” means quantity per mole

                                       is the chemical potential of A

                                       is the chemical potential of A at its standard state


For a Chemical Reaction:  aA + bB cC + dD


DG = c + d -a - b

      = DGo + RT ln


Chemical Potential Across a Membrane:  (A)in (A)out

A difference in concentrations of the substance on two sides of a membrane generates a Chemical Potential Difference D :


D =  -  = RTln


·   When (A)out > (A)in,       D < 0         Spontaneous net flow of A from out to in.

·   When (A)out < (A)in,       D > 0         Spontaneous net flow of A from in to out.

Net flow of A from out to in must be coupled to an energy-providing system to make the D negative.


II.  For Molecule A with Charge:


D = Electrochemical Potential

        =  -   + ZAF [y(in) - y(out)]

        = RTln + ZAFDy               where:

·   Dy = y(in) - y(out) = membrane potential; ~ -100 mV in living cells (inside more negative) is common.

·   ZA is ionic charge of A

·   F is Faraday constant = 96,485 C mol-1 (C for coulomb) or 96,485 J V-1 mol-1   





·        through simple diffusion

·        driven by (electro)chemical potential gradient

·        The substance diffuses in the direction that eliminates its concentration gradient.

·        The rate of diffusion is:

(a) proportional to the magnitude of the (electro)chemical gradient,

     [For many nonelectrolytes, their fluxes across erythrocyte membranes increase linearly with (A)out -(A)in.]

(b) dependent on the solubility of the substance in the membrane’s nonpolar core. 

     [Steroids and O2 readily diffuse through biological membranes.]

·        Water also rapidly equilibrates across membranes.





Through the action of specific protein or other molecules referred to as carriers, permeases, channels, and transporters.



1.     Ionophores:

·        Small organic molecules. 

·        Many are antibiotics. 

·        Vastly increase the permeability of membranes to particular ions. 

·        Can be CARRIERS or CHANNEL FORMERS. (Fig. 10-1)

·        The efficiency of a carrier can be drastically reduced at lower T but not so for the channel formers.

·        Carriers:

o     The carrier-ionic complexes are soluble in non-polar solvents.

o     Carriers cam move from one side to the other side of a lipid-bilayer membrance.

o     Valinomycin (Fig. 10-3) contains 6 oxygen atoms complexing with a K+.

·        Channel Former: Gramicidin (Fig. 10-5)  Two molecules together form a channel.  Facilitates the passage of cations (e.g. Na+, K+, H+) but is blocked by Ca2+.

2.     Bacterial Porins:

·        Channel forming protein.

·        X-ray structure known (E. coli OmpF porin, Fig. 9-24).

·        Some are cation selective, others are anion selective.

3.     Ion Channels:

·        Many ion-specific channels for rapid passage of ions.

·        K+ passively diffuses from cytoplasm to the extracellular space through transmembrane proteins “K+ Channels.”  (Figs. 10-7, 8)

·        High selectivity for K+ over Na+.

·        Are “Gated.”  The physiological functions of ion channels depend on their ion specificity, speed of transport, and the ability to gate (i.e. to open and close).

o    Mechanosensitive channels:  respond to physical stimuli (touching, sound, etc.), which cause local deformation s in membranes.

o    Ligand-gated channels:  respond to extracellular chemical stimuli such as neurotransmitter.

o    Signal-gated channels:  open upon intracellular binding of Ca2+ or other signal molecules.

o    Voltage-gated channels:  respond to changes in membrane potential, such as in the generation of nerve impulses.

4.     Aquaporins:

·        Water passes through biological membranes extremely fast.

·        Aquaporins discovered in 1992 by Peter Agre.

·        AQP1, a homotetrameric glycoprotein.  (Figs. 10-15, 16)..

5.     Transport Proteins (Function in Mediated Passive and Active Transport)

·        Evidence for Transport Proteins (Box 10-2)

o    Speed and Specificity:  The observed permeability coefficient of D-mannitol is close to that calculated on the basis of oil-water partition coefficient (10-9 cm.s-1).  In contrast, the observed permeability coefficient of D-glucose in human erythrocyte (~10-4 cm.s-1) is 105 higher than the calculated value.

o    Saturation kinetics.

o    Susceptibility to competitive inhibition (e.g. 6-o-benzyl-D-galactose competitively inhibits D-glucose transport).

o    Susceptibility to inactivation by protein modification agents such as HgCl2, etc.

·        Example for Mediated Passive Transport: Erythrocyte Glucose Transporter

o    Mechanism: Gated Pore Mechanism (Fig. 10-17)

Ř     Glucose binding on one face of the membrane

Ř     Conformational change of the carrier between two states.

Ř     Release glucose to the other side.

Ř     Bidirectional but the net flow of glucose is from H to L.