Information Security Tips from UHS Information Security 


UHS Information Security would like to remind you of some simple steps to protect your personal information and keep your devices safe and secure. 

Be cautious with all emails you receive. The holiday season is prime time for scams! These emails are well-crafted, may appear to come from others at the university, and are designed to trick you into providing personal information or opening malicious attachments. 

  • Hover over links in messages to verify the URL is a legitimate site and where you want to go. 
  • Do not click on links in messages! Type in the URL yourself to make sure it is the correct location. 
  • Do not open attachments you are not expecting. This includes "invoices" and "shipping notices" for items you have not ordered. 
  • Be cautious of perfect email "deals" and promotions from companies you haven't previously done business with. 
  • Don't be scammed by easy "work from home" job offers. Contact your campus Career Services department for legitimate job opportunities. 
  • Report suspicious emails through the "Report Suspicious Email/PhishAlarm" button or directly to UHS Information Security, then DELETE them. 

Protect your personal information. 

  • Keep a close eye on your bank accounts and notify your bank immediately if you notice any questionable transactions. 
  • Do not use your university password for other accounts (Facebook, Instagram, banking). 
  • Change your password immediately if you suspect it may have been exposed. 
  • 2-Factor authentication (Duo) is required for access to many university services. If you get an authentication request that you did not request, DENY the request and report it to UHS Information Security. 

Spammers, phishers, and hackers will target your personal email account and university account. You should exercise the same level of caution with your personal email. 

Protect your devices. Keeping your desktop, laptop, and mobile devices safe and secure is vital. 

  • Keep your computer/mobile devices current with all operating system and third-party application software patches and updates. This also includes devices you may use at home, such as wireless routers, webcams, etc. 
  • Anti-virus/anti-spyware software should be installed, running, and receiving automatic updates. 
  • If you receive a new device over the holidays, make sure to run all the necessary updates on your new device and erase all your information from any old device before discarding it. 

UHS Information Security is available 24/7, even during the winter break, to monitor and respond to time-sensitive issues. All members of the UHS community can reach the UHS Information Security Team at or via phone at 832-842-4695.