Dear Colleagues,

Please see below and attached, regarding required language for your fall syllabi, from the Provost. The document also contains recommended language for your syllabus for several common but not universal scenarios, depending on instructional mode (for example, requiring the student to have a webcam).

When inserting the required language, please replace and remove any other language your syllabus may contain regarding the following (the required language supersedes all previous language or policy):  

  • Face covering policy (for courses with face to face component)
  • Daily health self-assessment (for courses with face to face component)
  • Excused absence policy (please review this one carefully)
  • Interim undergraduate grading policy (graduate grading has returned to “normal” policy)
  • Recording of class
  • Syllabus changes – insert this exact language and remove any other language referring to potential syllabus modifications during the semester

Please also review the descriptions of instructional format near the end of the document, which describes delivery of class content as well as exam formats. As a reminder, all final exams will be conducted online, and all HyFlex and Synchronous online courses are required to follow the university final exam schedule (just as if they were face to face in normal circumstances).

This language was developed by several committees of faculty and academic affairs administrators, and has been reviewed and approved by General Counsel, the Deans of Undergraduate Student Success and the Graduate School, and the Provost.

Thank you,

Daniel P. O’Connor, Ph.D.
Interim Dean of the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences and Professor, Health and Human Performance