Monkey Business/ Horse Feathers (1952) USA
Monkey Business/ Horse Feathers Image Cover
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Director:Howard Hawks
Studio:Twentieth Century Fox Film Corporation
Writer:Ben Hecht, Charles Lederer
Rating:7.0 (10,236 votes)
Date Added:2017-01-31
Awards:Nominated for 1 Golden Globe
Aspect Ratio:1.37 : 1
LAC code:300010976
Howard Hawks  ...  (Director)
Ben Hecht, Charles Lederer  ...  (Writer)
Cary Grant  ...  Dr. Barnaby Fulton
Ginger Rogers  ...  Mrs. Edwina Fulton
Charles Coburn  ...  Mr. Oliver Oxley
Marilyn Monroe  ...  Miss Lois Laurel
Hugh Marlowe  ...  Hank Entwhistle
Henri Letondal  ...  Dr. Jerome Kitzel
Robert Cornthwaite  ...  Dr. Zoldeck
Larry Keating  ...  G.J. Culverly
Douglas Spencer  ...  Dr. Brunner
Esther Dale  ...  Mrs. Rhinelander
George Winslow  ...  Little Indian
Summary: Barnaby Fulton is a research chemist working on a fountain of youth pill for a chemical company. While trying a sample dose on himself, he accidentally gets a dose of a mixture added to the water cooler and believes his potion is what is working. The mixture temporarily causes him to feel and act like a teenager, including correcting his vision. When his wife gets a dose that is even larger, she regresses even further into her childhood. When an old boyfriend meets her in this state, he believes that her never wanting to see him again means a divorce and a chance for him.