Fountainhead, the (1949) USA
Fountainhead, the Image Cover
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Director:Vidor, King
Studio:Warner Bros. Pictures
Writer:Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand
Rating:7.0 (4,687 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Genre:English films
Aspect Ratio:1.37 : 1
Subtitles:No subtitles
LAC code:300008813
Original:VHS copy
Vidor, King  ...  (Director)
Ayn Rand, Ayn Rand  ...  (Writer)
Gary Cooper  ...  Howard Roark
Patricia Neal  ...  Dominique Francon
Raymond Massey  ...  Gail Wynand
Kent Smith  ...  Peter Keating
Robert Douglas  ...  Ellsworth M. Toohey
Henry Hull  ...  Henry Cameron
Ray Collins  ...  Roger Enright
Moroni Olsen  ...  Chairman
Jerome Cowan  ...  Alvah Scarret
Comments: original on VHS

Summary: Individualistic and idealistic architect Howard Roark is expelled from college because his designs fail to fit with existing architectural thinking. He seems unemployable but finally lands a job with like-minded Henry Cameron, however within a few years Cameron drinks himself to death, warning Roark that the same fate awaits unless he compromises his ideals. Roark is determined to retain his artistic integrity at all costs.