Flower Of My Secret, The (1995) France
Flower Of My Secret, The Image Cover
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Director:Cebrián, Daniel, Almodóvar, Pedro, Arias, Imanol, Echanove, Juan, Elias, Carme, Paredes, Marisa
Studio:CiBy 2000
Producer:Esther García
Writer:Pedro Almodóvar
Rating:7.0 (5,033 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:4 wins & 11 nominations
Genre:Spanish films
Picture Format:Widescreen
Aspect Ratio:1.85 : 1
Sound:Dolby Digital
Subtitles:English, French
Features:Musikvideo „Connected“: Barbie und das Diamantenschloss (Langversion)
Musikvideo „All for One": Barbie und Die Drei Musketiere (Langversion)
LAC code:300002551
Cebrián, Daniel, Almodóvar, Pedro, Arias, Imanol, Echanove, Juan, Elias, Carme, Paredes, Marisa  ...  (Director)
Pedro Almodóvar  ...  (Writer)
Marisa Paredes  ...  Leo Macías
Juan Echanove  ...  Ángel
Carme Elias  ...  Betty
Rossy de Palma  ...  Rosa
Chus Lampreave  ...  Madre de Leo
Kiti Manver  ...  Manuela
Joaquín Cortés  ...  Antonio
Manuela Vargas  ...  Blanca
Imanol Arias  ...  Paco
Gloria Muñoz  ...  Alicia
Juan José Otegui  ...  Tomas
Nancho Novo  ...  Doctor B
Jordi Mollà  ...  Doctor A
Alicia Agut  ...  Neighbor A
Marisol Muriel  ...  Dancer
Affonso Beato  ...  Cinematographer
José Salcedo  ...  Editor
Alberto Iglesias  ...  Composer
Esther García  ...  Production Designer
Wolfgang Burmann  ...  Art Director
Miguel López Pelegrín  ...  Art Director
Comments: DSP 196

Summary: Pedro Alomodóvar made this misfired, rambling comedy about a romance novelist (Marisa Paredes) whose crumbling marriage has left her depressed and unable to work. At a low point, she writes a scathing indictment of her own books (which are penned under another name), with no one realizing critic and author are one and the same. Almodóvar (Law of Desire) has the start of a great idea here, and for once, he's direct about his sympathy for a character. But nothing else about The Flower of My Secret is so clear. Despite its unusual allegiance to the straightforward "women's films" of the 1950s, this movie blows it by becoming needlessly complicated over extraneous junk, forcing one to grope in the dark for Almodóvar's point. --Tom Keogh