1900 (1976) Italy
1900 Image Cover
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Director:Bertolucci, Bernardo, Bertini, Francesca, Betti, Laura, Depardieu, Gérard, Niro, Robert De, Sanda, Dominique
Studio:Produzioni Europee Associati (PEA)
Writer:Franco Arcalli, Giuseppe Bertolucci
Rating:7.6 (11,190 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:2 wins & 3 nominations
Genre:Italian films
Aspect Ratio:1.66 : 1
LAC code:300007329
Original:DVD Copy
Bertolucci, Bernardo, Bertini, Francesca, Betti, Laura, Depardieu, Gérard, Niro, Robert De, Sanda, Dominique  ...  (Director)
Franco Arcalli, Giuseppe Bertolucci  ...  (Writer)
Robert De Niro  ...  Alfredo Berlinghieri
Gérard Depardieu  ...  Olmo Dalcò
Dominique Sanda  ...  Ada Fiastri Paulhan
Francesca Bertini  ...  Sister Desolata
Laura Betti  ...  Regina
Werner Bruhns  ...  Ottavio Berlinghieri
Stefania Casini  ...  Neve
Sterling Hayden  ...  Leo Dalcò
Anna Henkel  ...  Anita
Ellen Schwiers  ...  Amelia
Alida Valli  ...  Signora Pioppi
Romolo Valli  ...  Giovanni Berlinghieri
Bianca Magliacca  ...  Peasant
Giacomo Rizzo  ...  Rigoletto
Pippo Campanini  ...  Don Tarcisio
Tags: abcd

Comments: DIT 175

Summary: Bernardo Bertolucci's massive epic, a history of Italy from 1900 to 1945 as reflected through the friendship of two men across class lines, is one of the most fascinating, if little seen, of his films. After beginning with Robert DeNiro as wealthy landowner Alfredo, and Gerard Depardieu as labor leader Olmo, the film returns to 1900 with the death of composer Giuseppi Verdi and the birth of the two friends. The opposing class interests of their grandfathers, padrone Burt Lancaster, and laborer Sterling Hayden, is quickly established in the enmity between the characters. As they grow, the boys become friends, mystified by the tensions that separate their families. But as time passes and Alfredo assumes the role of padrone, while Olmo works the land, their relationship becomes strained. With the rise of fascism, the director spells out its complicity with business interests, as the diffident Alfredo falls under the spell of a vicious and degraded fascist farm manager played by Donald Su