Inheritance (2001) Argentina
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Mark Goldberg
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Director:Moll, James, Hertwig, Monika
Studio:Instituto Nacional de Cine y Artes Audiovisuales (INCAA)
Writer:Paula Hernández
Rating:7.3 (416 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:12 wins & 6 nominations
Genre:English films
Aspect Ratio:1.85 : 1
Sound:Dolby Digital
Languages:Spanish, German
LAC code:300007567
Moll, James, Hertwig, Monika  ...  (Director)
Paula Hernández  ...  (Writer)
Rita Cortese  ...  Olinda
Adrián Witzke  ...  Peter
Martín Adjemián  ...  Federico
Julieta Díaz  ...  Luz
Héctor Anglada  ...  Ángel
Eduardo Cutuli  ...  Tito
Carlos Portaluppi  ...  Raúl
Graciela Tenenbaum  ...  Elsa
Ernesto Claudio  ...  Hombre Inmobiliaria
Damián Dreizik  ...  Hombre Ketchup
Oscar Alegre  ...  Encargado Pensión
Sofia Berenblum  ...  Vecina 2
Isaac Fajm  ...  Hombre Calle
Gabriel Fernández  ...  Marido Belén
Carlos Lanari  ...  Vecino
Comments: DGE 180

Summary: Inheritance is the story of Monika Hertwig, a soft-spoken woman grappling with a profound legacy left to her by a father she never really knew.Monika's father was Amon Goeth.Often described as a monster and inhuman, Amon Goeth was the prominent Nazi leader and commandant of the Plaszow Concentration Camp. Utterly ruthless and sadistic, he murdered thousands of Jews and others during the war.When Schindler's List opened in 1993, Monika watched Ralph Fiennes' chilling portrayal of Amon Goeth. She found this depiction of her father so disturbing that she left the theater more than once.The fact that this man was her father is a brutal reality that Monika didn't know anything about until her teen years. It is a fact that Monika still cannot reconcile. Feeling an aching need to come to terms with this legacy of evil, Monika reaches out to Helen Jonas-Rosenzweig, a survivor of the Holocaust. Helen lived enslaved under Goeth's roof, serving as both his maid and prey for nearly two years.Sixty years after Amon Goeth's arrest and the liberation of Plaszow, Monika and Helen meet for the first time at what was once Goeth's luxurious villa overlooking the concentration camp. It s a brutally honest, gut-wrenching and emotional meeting that brings both closure and new questions for these women.