Moliere (2007) France
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Nina Tucci
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Director:Tirard, Laurent
Studio:Fidélité Productions
Writer:Grégoire Vigneron, Laurent Tirard
Rating:7.2 (3,516 votes)
Date Added:2012-06-05
Awards:2 wins & 5 nominations
Genre:French films
Aspect Ratio:2.35 : 1
Subtitles:No Subtitles
LAC code:300008785
Tirard, Laurent  ...  (Director)
Grégoire Vigneron, Laurent Tirard  ...  (Writer)
Romain Duris  ...  Jean-Baptiste Poquelin
Fabrice Luchini  ...  M. Jourdain
Laura Morante  ...  Elmire Jourdain
Edouard Baer  ...  Dorante
Ludivine Sagnier  ...  Célimène
Fanny Valette  ...  Henriette Jourdain
Gonzague Montuel  ...  Valère
Gilian Petrovski  ...  Thomas
Sophie-Charlotte Husson  ...  Madeleine Béjart
Anne Suarez  ...  Catherine de Brie
Annelise Hesme  ...  Marquise du Parc
Luc Tremblais  ...  Gros-René
Nicolas Vaude  ...  Monsieur
Philippe du Janerand  ...  Bonnefoy
Isabelle Caubère  ...  Toinette
Comments: DFR 195

Summary: In 1658, playwright/actor Molière, having been given a theater in the capital by the King, is back in Paris after touring the kingdom of France with his company of players. One day, a young lady asks him to follow her to the deathbed of her mother... Thirteen years earlier, Molière already runs a troupe but goes broke and is thrown to prison. Fortunately (?) his debt is covered by Monsieur Jourdain, a rich man who wants him to help him rehearse a one-act play he has written with a view to seducing a beautiful bright young widow, Célimène. As Jourdain is married to Elmire, and is the "respectable" father of two daughters his design must remain secret so Molière is introduced into the house as Tartuffe, an austere priest...